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Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP


United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Seth Jackson
Steam ID: 76561198023103354
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16719
Ban Reason: PEGI
Why do you think you were banned: My account was banned for being used by an Underage person (My Brother)
Why should we unban you: It seems asthough my little brother went onto my account whilst i was away for 4 months traveling and started interacting with others via the mic and was quickly caught as being underage due to his high pitch voice, I ask you to unban me as I have put many hours into this game to get to where I am now and very much enjoy playing as well as the story line I have built, I am an essential part of a gang and a story line and without me it would seem a big shame. I can assure you nothing like this will happen ever again. Thank you
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
How old is your brother?

Did you let your brother play on your account?
My brother is 14 and no I did not I was in mexico at the time he went on so i had no control over his actions unfortunatley.
Good afternoon @WesolutionZ , I hope all is well?

How did you brother know how to Launch FiveM, get onto RPUK where you play & begin picking up one of your characters storylines all with you being away?

My borhter is 14 and learns very quick he is very capable of logging in and youtubing how to run it, also im not sure if he got my character banned or made a new one and got that banned, I also only play on the 1 server (RolePlayUK) so that would be the only server on the list of my favorites for him to choose from. I apologise again for the inconvinience of this.
How old are you?
Well there are two stories here.

One of the quick learning younger brother.
One of the shared account between two brothers.

Which one is true?
Please respond otherwise this appeal will time out.
There is only one story. Nothing was ever said about a "shared account" I merley said he went onto my account whilst i was away traveling without my consent I never allowed him onto my account nor would i even if he asked as he is well below the required age. As I say I have changed my computer password as well as had verbal talks with him that A) hes not to use my belongings and things without consent and B) He is too young to play these games, both of which he understand and assured me would never happen again and with the heightened security iv now added im more than certain it wont.

Thank you
Well we have a different story that came from your brother on the day your account was banned.
That aside, I'll leave that as just a thing a child said under pressure.

What do you plan to do should you return?
Tell me about your character/s and their long term plans.
@WesolutionZ Please respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.
I plan to pick up where I left off being a taxi driver as my full time job as well as selling occasional drugs I am apart of a gang but mostly I just look forward to socialising with people on the game and having a good time whilst of course obeying the rules set.

I have a few friends on there who I’d just enjoy driving around with listening to music and talking with so I definitely look forward to hopefully being able to rejoin them in doing those fun activities.
But what about your long term goals, I need a bit more effort and detail.

Can you explain why we have the PEGI rule in place
How a breach of this rule affects the server/community?

I'd like more than a sentence for each question.
My long term goals are to create more relationships within the game as well as progress my character, iv put a lot of work to get to where I am in the game and intend to carry on. I want to meet new people engage with different groups and characters within the game and get more of an understanding of the different gangs and what they stand for etc. overall I just want to expand my knowledge of the game and those within it. If I were to be unbanned my plan would be to taxi for a while until I can potentially find a job with a higher paying salary wether that be working for emergency services or mechanic, I just want to progress.

You have these PEGI rules in place as the game contains violence and for the most part when socialising there’s profound language being spoken and although it’s against the rules there’s always the occasional racism and homophobic comments which for someone young they shouldn’t be exposed to that content.

When these rules are breached not only does it affect the admins as it makes there job longer when these situations should never happen in the first place. It can also ruin the experience for those in the community as those who are below the age most likely won’t take the role play seriously and won’t stick to the rules defeating the whole purpose of the server.
Ok so I'll give you the reasons why we have a 0 tolerance for under 18's;

  1. Grand Theft Auto 5 (and previous titles) are PEGI 18 in the UK and as a UK based server we follow the president set by the original game.
  2. Children display a level of immaturity we're not willing to put up with as we have enough immaturity to deal with displayed by "adults"
  3. Safeguarding, as much as we are not responsible for these children/teenagers, we have a duty of care to keep them away from adult themes and to demonstrate to parents we don't encourage them.
  4. As we attempt to replicate real lives for our characters there is a very high chance relationships between characters develop, meaning if we allowed children, adults are exposed to roleplaying intricate roleplay situations. I'm sure you can agree (I hope) that the idea of roleplaying a relationship with what is a child on the other end of the screen is frankly disgusting and, if I'm not mistaken, illegal.
With all of that I think we've covered the main areas. It's risky letting someone back who has previously had a sibling or family relation get onto their computer.

How can we ensure this will NEVER happen again?
This will NEVER happen again, I have changed my computer password as well as had verbal talks with both him and his dad that’s he’s not of age to be playing this game as well as to be using my things without consent. He has acknowledged he made a mistake and apologised and told me this will never be a problem again as he’d suffer consequences from both me and his dad. I’m certain