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Unban Appeal - KatieLouise - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Sophie Anderson
Steam ID: 76561198353398596
Ban ID (just the numbers): 5784
Ban Reason: C2.4, G4.4
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned in 2021, I think for storing guns and not act as if injured when down
Why should we unban you: I've learnt a lot since being on your server and spent a lot of time on many other roleplay servers, I've never been banned on any other server, I would really love to try again on your server, your community base is brilliant and your server offers amazing content and roleplay, I'm disappointed in myself for taking away my chance at experiencing and investing time spent in other servers rather than roleplay.co.uk.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
The two rules that were broken were stated to be C2.4 (Combat storing) and G4.4 (When you are downed: [...]). However, I believe there was a minor error in that I did not perform any act of Combat storing, rather it was Combat logging, which is C2.3.

C2.3 - Combat logging

This rule was broken as I exited the game after being downed for a small amount of time as I became slightly frustrated.

Quitting the game or leaving the server while roleplaying is a form of cheating, as it can be abused in order to either gain some sort of advantage in the game or save your own time at the cost of other users' roleplay experience. In my case, this was a form of rage-quitting. However, other cases of combat logging could include leaving while in a gunfight that the user may not want to engage in or may feel they would lose, being chased or arrested by police or while being detained, or perhaps exiting the game so that others cannot loot the user's gear. The user is always supposed to re-join the server and continue roleplay if they do happen to logout.

This rule is critical in order to achieve a positive and immersive roleplay experience for all parties, even in unfavoured scenarios for some parties. Everyone needs to have their turn at being the one who may win a fight, successfully catch and arrest a criminal, or loot someone they may have killed, and if the victim were to leave the game in all these situations, there would be no satisfaction for the other player, and their experience will be ruined. If this act were common, people would be discouraged from playing the game, as there would be no risk in performing any uncertain activity and the excitement and realism would soon die. It is one of the most important rules in the game for people to not combat log, and continue roleplay as normal in every scenario, no matter how negative it may be, as this is what makes the game so eventful and interesting for all players. This is essential for achieving a positive experience for everyone.

G4.4 (When you are downed: [...])

This rule was broken in the same instance, as I was shot in the head in-game and continued to speak fluently without attempting to roleplay my injuries whatsoever.

Users are required to roleplay their injuries, meaning if they are downed in the game, they must change the way they speak and act accordingly, using their character's voice and other communicative means to represent as accurately as possible the condition they are in. Being downed is not the same as being killed, which happens when a player respawns, therefore users should still be able to use their character's voice and not act as if they are dead. Additionally, users must not make any mention of the respawn timer in-game, since this breaks immersion and would not count as roleplaying.

This rule is important for creating an immersive experience for other players involved in the vicinity of an incident in which you are downed. Roleplaying injuries accurately, perhaps even referring to the cause of injury, or body part(s) affected, and level of pain or general medical condition helps make the game more real for everyone, and enhances the roleplaying experience, since it creates more opportunity for interaction, involvement and understanding of the situation for surrounding players. If this rule were absent, and not all downed players acted as injured accordingly, it will likely ruin other players' experiences, by creating confusing scenarios in which a player who may be downed may act as though they are fine, breaking the immersion for everyone else, or similarly perhaps either claiming they are dead, which would not be true, or speaking about the respawn timer, which would break everyone else's immersion.

Overall, both the rules that were broken seem to be very crucial to ensuring everyone has a positive roleplaying experience, and it is evident how breaching either of them in any way would impact and ruin the game for everyone else involved. They must be followed if the game is to continue to be what it deserves to be, another immersive world for players to escape in and be a completely different character to their real life self! The goal should always be to make it fun for everyone, and have empathy in situations which may not be entirely enjoyable by accepting the events and roleplaying like everyone else.
Yes I wrote all of it. I tried to put a lot of effort into it to show that I am trying to learn from what happened and that I understand why I did get banned.
Do you have much experience on roleplay servers?

Your attitude to confrontational, losing side roleplay seems abysmal in all honesty.

Do you tend to let roleplay affect your ooc emotions and in turn influence your characters choices?
I did take a break entirely from roleplay servers following my roleplay.co.uk ban and took a step away from gaming in general, focusing more on sorting out problems I had in real life at the time.

After a short while, and in a better position mentally, I was enthusiastic about trying roleplaying again, as I felt like I missed it. Over the past three years, I have spent time casually roleplaying on and off in other servers, [REMOVED BY STAFF], throughout which I have had a clean record and no issues whatsoever with rule-breaking, moderators, or other role-players. My time in these servers has been filled with plenty of similar events to those I remember experiencing on roleplay.co.uk, yet I do not feel the need to react negatively whatsoever and do not treat negative in-game events as seriously as before. I have noticed a far more relaxed attitude in myself since the break, and also since having a fresh start on other servers with new people and friends, and I have seemed to enjoy roleplaying a lot more since I no longer introduce any competitive aspects to it, and rather see it as a fun and immersive experience where the interactions themselves are the entertaining part instead, not winning or losing.

Recently, I've been spending a lot of time on [Removed by staff], however close friends are recommending roleplay.co.uk to me. They have been playing on this server consistently for many months now and seem to be having a great time and are getting me excited about the idea of joining in.
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Hello there @KatieLouise

You are aware that unbans are the lowest priority for staff, correct? Why is it that people are attempting to have your appeal looked at by sliding into Staff´s DM´s?
Hi Sammy,

Yes I do understand that unban appeals are not a priority, and I am more than happy to wait patiently to be dealt with. I was not aware that anyone I knew messaged a staff member, and I was already aware that messaging staff via private messages when not invited to do so is breaching the Community Rules. Since you have told me this, I discovered my brother was attempting to "help" get my appeal looked at quicker. I have asked him to apologise to whichever staff members he messaged, and I also apologise on his behalf and hope this does not affect the process of my appeal.

Very well, I hope it will not happen again.

Now, please walk me through your plans on our server, should we allow you back. What would we be seeing from you? How will you ensure to not find yourself back in this section of the forums again?
I'd like to start by trying to get a job as a taxi driver, as I've heard this is good for beginners to earn a bit of cash, and this will help me familiarise myself with the city, as well as give me an opportunity to meet and interact with other players and learn as much as possible about the community. After progressing enough there in terms of money and general city experience, I do have ambitions to join a certain airline business that I've heard about, as I'd absolutely love to be a pilot!

In terms of what I would add to the server, I always have lots of energy to contribute and am constantly active and taking part in situations and events, with everyone I interact with often finding me funny or overall having a fun and interesting experience. I can do lots of voices, but have some favourites that I specialise in and will be using and I really enjoy getting into character and expressing feelings through their voice and pretending I'm really in the game, making it immersive for everyone. Most of the time people don't even know what my real voice would sound like!

I have no intention of damaging the quality of the server in any way, including breaking any rules, which I am now very familiar with, that could ruin everyone else's experience. Having had a completely clean record for the last three years, since my break from gaming, adhering to all rules in other popular roleplay servers, I cannot see myself ignoring the rules for roleplay.co.uk. There is no need for any rules to be broken in order for me to have a great immersive experience here, and they are present to help protect me and my own experience as well.
Very well.

I am willing to give you another chance. Any ban you will receive within the next 6 months will be permanent again, so I recommend going through the rules and making sure you understand them properly.
