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Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Oran Hill
Steam ID: 76561199013292392
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16860
Ban Reason: G3.1 OOC Information G3.5 Character Seperation
Why do you think you were banned: I posted a tweedle on my crim character after finding out about something that happened to a well known OCG. The problem I now know was how I found the information and the character I used the information on. I found out what happened during a Teamspeak Police meeting and shortly after seeing a GIF posted in the meeting I posted it on tweedle for the pure reason of being funny when it actually wasn't when I broke server rules when I did this. I must admit at first I didn’t consider the implication of this action however after some back and forth with staff and time to think about my decisions I truly realise how it was not worth it and that I should not have done it. I realise now that metagaming is metagaming and that once the line is crossed punishment is due no matter what the information is or how it is obtained. Furthermore my decisions to lie in my ticket was stupid and a waste of time for both parties involved and for this I must apologise. Me lying only further dug my own grave and made me seem like an untrustworthy person and I can understand if you wouldn't trust anything I have to say but I would like to reassure you that I am being as honest and sincere as possible when I say I messed up, plain and simple and I have to ask for your forgiveness and an opportunity to redeem myself, my attempts to sweep it under the rug made my situation worse and they are deeply regrettable and again I must apologise to the staff involved.
Why should we unban you: I believe i should be given another chance and be unbanned for the reasons that for the time I have been banned, I have taken the time to rethink my actions and looked over the server rules once again, to make sure that I am up to date on the current rules, especially the rules that I broke and I know what I did was wrong. I have been playing the server for the past few months and I have enjoyed my time playing, I have made sure to follow the servers but a moment of stupidity and a lapse in judgment led to my ban. I have to reiterate that I apologise for what I did during the process of the ticket, especially to Drex and Sammy for wasting their time with me lying about my knowledge of the incident on my criminal character. When I made my tweedle post, I didn't consider the consequences of my actions when I should have and its a horrible oversight by myself, I know the server rules are there for a reason and thats to maintain quality RP and prevent people from ruining the fun for others, I never meant to do harm to the RP of others as I saw this a silly joke and nothing more which in hindsight wasn't the case. I can only ask that whoever takes the time out of their day to consider my appeal gives me that second chance to redeem myself and so I can prove that I am able to abide by the rules of the server and to whoever is reading this I have to thank you for your time and your conclusion to my case.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Jimmmm , I hope all is well? :)

Given the fact you had decided to attempt lying your way through the ticket with staff, how can I really trust that your appeal is the truth and not just what you think we would like to hear for a quick unban?
Good morning @Jimmmm , I hope all is well? :)

Given the fact you had decided to attempt lying your way through the ticket with staff, how can I really trust that your appeal is the truth and not just what you think we would like to hear for a quick unban?
Good evening mate, cheers for your response

I started lying at the start because I admit, I thought I would get away with it, in the end though I did end up to admitting to doing it but that was only after being proved that I was lying. I do actually regret doing it and It was reallv immature for me to do. Whether or not you can trust what I am saying is entirely your decision but I am being as honest as I possibly can be when I tell you I want a second chance to prove that I can abide by the server rules as I genuinelly want to continue being a member of the FiveM community. If it means anything this is my first ban and Ive never received any sort of formal warning before this unless being pulled into staff sits counts, Im not 100% positive about that but other than this is my first time being sanctioned for breaking server rules. Whether or not this makes a difference to what you think about me is again, up to you.

Again thanks for your response and I hope your follow up to this is soon
Good evening @Jimmmm , thanks for the response! :)

Why do you believe that you deserve a second chance here overall?
Good evening @Jimmmm , thanks for the response! :)

Why do you believe that you deserve a second chance here overall?
Good evening, thanks for your reply, apologies for the delay to my response.

I believe i should be given a second chance to play on the server because I have been part of the community for around 7 months and this is the first time Ive been in major trouble with staff or received a ban, I understand the severity of my actions as OOC information is a major rule on the server and I never intended to gain any benefit from doing this and simply wanted to poke fun at something that I thought was funny. I made this post on an anonymous account and not my actual Tweedle account to avoid advancing any RP or causing anything between myself and that OCG, I do realise now though that this was a mistake and that no matter what its still considered metagaming since I got the information of the incident from OOC means. I do wish to continue playing the server as I have enjoyed my time as part of the community and the server as a whole and I just want another chance to show that I can follow the rules and keep rping in a quality way.
Good afternoon @Jimmmm , thanks for the response!

I believe i should be given a second chance to play on the server because I have been part of the community for around 7 months and this is the first time Ive been in major trouble with staff or received a ban
This is indeed the first time you've been in trouble with staff yet you've managed to grab yourself one of the highest punishments possible.

I still don't fully understand the intentions behind posting this? During the police meeting (Where you obtained the screenshot you took into character) you were all told you'd be reprimanded for posting images such as these.
You then took it onto tweedle to...? Stir up "beef" between Ballas and Police?
Good afternoon @Jimmmm , thanks for the response!

This is indeed the first time you've been in trouble with staff yet you've managed to grab yourself one of the highest punishments possible.

I still don't fully understand the intentions behind posting this? During the police meeting (Where you obtained the screenshot you took into character) you were all told you'd be reprimanded for posting images such as these.
You then took it onto tweedle to...? Stir up "beef" between Ballas and Police?
Good Evening, Thanks for your quick response again
Tbh there wasn't really much intention behind me making this tweedle post besides just poking fun at an OCG i am not the biggest fan of I wont lie, I made the post in relation to the reaction given by Ballas to the hence the name of the account used being named "rattled" in relation to the reaction they gave, as I mentioned in an earlier reply, I didnt really have any malicious intent behind this post or to stir up beef between the two factions, I just posted this for a joke/jab at Ballas to be funny. About what was said in the police meeting, I mentioned I posted this without much thought so I didnt consider that this could also be seen as avoiding a punishment on my police character but again, this was posted without thinking too deeply into it.
Good afternoon @Jimmmm ! :D

If you're able to break this rule so easy and all without "much thought", how can we really trust that this won't be repeated if given another chance?
There's not really a lot here that's jumping out at me.
Good afternoon @Jimmmm ! :D

If you're able to break this rule so easy and all without "much thought", how can we really trust that this won't be repeated if given another chance?
There's not really a lot here that's jumping out at me.
Good evening @Danoo
As I have mentioned before, this incident was a major lapse of judgement and something I dont intend to repeat again, in the many months I have been on the server, I have made sure to follow server rules and this is simply an outlier of this. I can assure you that if I am unbanned, I will make extra sure that I follow the server rules as they are set and maintain good RP for myself and others on the server, I can tell you that I have learned my lesson from this and apologised to the staff involved in my case for wasting their time in a previous post. I want to prove that I have learned from this incident and earn your trust that this incident will never happen again and continue to RP on this server which is why I have made this appeal and have been as honest as I can with you during this process in contrast to my actions in the ticket. I am willing to accept whatever conclusion you come to at the end of the day whether you can fully trust my word or not.
Thanks for the response!

So what's your plan if you're given another chance to return here?
Hey @Danoo thanks for your response
If I get unbanned I plan to do a few things involving the characters I have as well as for myself:

1. I want to put some focus on first rejoining both police and Gruppe 6 as I lost both roles after being banned, I want to put the effort into progressing in both roles as I had joined G6 prior to the ban (around a month or so) and wanted to progress there as I enjoy the role of Gruppe 6 and want to participate in future events within the company and put some effort into the role. I also wish to rejoin the police force as well as before the ban I had become inactive on the role, a week before, I began playing my police character a lot more and refound my enjoyment for it and so I wish to also continue in that role as well and progress into another unit like RPU or CID as I am interested in what both units can offer and they both seem very appealing to me. I want to return to the police RP as I do find it enjoyable and its something I want to delve deeper into in the future.

2. I plan to continue to progress on my criminal character as well as recently on this character, Ive been trying to get some money going and expanding my contacts in the city which is something I want to try and continue to do if I am unbanned. I plan to do this through multiple means both illegally (dealing, shop robbery, safe drilling for example) and legally (taxi and delivery driving) I plan to invest some of my money into establishing a business with a few colleagues in the city to try and earn some extra money if the business goes well. I also want to invest some of my money into buying a nicer house, weaponary and assets to try and some what make a name for myself in the city. I also want to continue expanding my knowledge of the city and how things work. Most recently, myself and a few others have been attempting to figure out how to rob the fleeca bank vaults of the city (we know whats needed, just need to figure out how to get them). We've been trying to also figure how to access the vault of the Pacific Standard for future purposes. If I am to return to the city, I want to restablish my relations with my colleagues and get back to working on my character.

3. Finally, I plan to maintain the quality of RP on the server and continue to interact with members of the community through RP on all 3 of my characters as there is some very interesting people in the city who I enjoy interacting with and wish to continue doing so. I plan to not repeat my mistakes and learn from this incident.
You wanna explain the choice of your profile picture?
Its some image from 2019 that i took from Twitter or Instagram and I used it as my profile picture for almost everything. I've had it as my discord profile picture for like 5 years now and I use it for other things as well. is there a problem with it?
Do you not see an issue with that image being your PUBLIC profile picture?
No its from a few years ago that I use as a profile picture for everything and I see no issue with having this as my profile picture, Can i ask what issue you have with this?
Ok then. Have a think about that for the next 6 months.

You can submit another appeal on the 22nd of November 2024. 22/11/2024
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