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Unban Appeal - Felipe_ - GTA RP

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The Bodega
Unban Appeal for Felipe_ 

In-game Name: Felipe Vladislav

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199171855553

Ban ID: !!rpuk14290!!

Reason given for your ban: PEGI

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: So Basically i sent a DM to a Staff member saying that i'm underage while at the same time im not. My point of this was for me to take a break from the server and never come back but i think i have went to far and should have handled it better .

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly, thank you to staff for taking the time to read my appeal . I think i should be unbanned because i have been playing on the server for over a year and a half and never got banned and made some friends during my time on the server. I have always respected and followed the Rules and guidelines and i shouldn't have got myself banned by lying about my age i know its a Dumb thing to do. I know this server has a strict rule about being PEGI but i believe there is a Room for 2nd chances. If i ever get a chance to comeback on the server i would Provide My best RP and create more fun memories and Apologies for my actions.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening @Felipe_, I hope all is well aside from this ban! 🙂

Unfortunately, you having not been banned previously does not hold anything here throughout this appeal.
You have come forward, and confirmed to a staff member that you are not of the correct age to be playing here on this server, this is your own doing and if you lied about this to take a break from the server then we have no trust in you as of right now.

You may appeal this ban on 26/09/2025


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