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Report a player - 180 - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Grove Street
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Bruno Clark

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 180

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/05/99

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1300

What best describes this incident ?: NVL

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Context: One of my gang members got arrested by police so in return i was trying to find an hostage to be able to do an exchange, but when i went to take the officer hostage he had a knife to his face and decided to jump, panic pull his taser out etc... eliminating any possibility for further RP. After the situation he was more interested in blaming me on my poor RP even though i didn't have a chance to procced with the RP since he shut it down because he didn't wanna get kidnapped and taken for a exchange.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello @Bmav,

The footage provided doesn't meet your requirements, could you please provide atleast 3 minutes prior to the initial rule break.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello @Bmav,

The footage provided doesn't meet your requirements, could you please provide atleast 3 minutes prior to the initial rule break.
Unfortunally thats all i have, I thought that would be enough considering that it states if the rule break is blatant there is no need for the 3 minutes so thats why i only uploaded that.

@AlexSnowSuttonI believe this is you in the footage provided, would you like to give your side of the story?


@BmavIs there any reason why you didn't try and resolve this OOC?

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@AlexSnowSuttonI believe this is you in the footage provided, would you like to give your side of the story?


@BmavIs there any reason why you didn't try and resolve this OOC?
So after the situation happened i got accused of poor RP OOC and me when trying to attempt to solve that accusation that the individual posted in OOC i ended up ignoring the whole solving process since the individual in question was more interested in saying what i did wrong instead of trying to talk it out in discord.

Hi Bruno, 

Thank you for your report and I appreciate you taking the time to put this onto the forums. We tried to talk about it OOC however it wasn't appropriate and I can now understand your POV from this situation, 

My POV. I was conducting a traffic stop on the taxi seen in the footage you have provided. You might have had an idea or a way you wanted to go however, You approached me and instantly pulled a knife, The only main issue I have with this you didn't factor in the was already an RP scenario ongoing on you didn't attempt to RP with myself just to hold me up. With regard to myself running. I didn't hear the put your hands up as we are both aware of the city has VOIP issues which are understandable so I won't be commenting on that as it wouldn't be fair for both of us. All I saw was that you pulled a knife and I had a chance to run. 

I am more than happy to discuss this with you in liaison as I think it would be good for both of us to discuss it and come to an agreement. Again thank you for your report and I look forward to your reply. 

Like I said I'm more than happy to discuss. I would much rather have the chat and find ways to improve and I apologize for my outburst it was completely inappropriate I do not have an excuse and I won't call it to spur of the moment however I am sorry 

@BmavIn the clip when you were stabbing him you stated "Don't put your hands up, that works as well" What do you mean by that?

@BmavIn the clip when you were stabbing him you stated "Don't put your hands up, that works as well" What do you mean by that?
I meant if you are not putting your hands up i am gonna stab you, the original plan was taking him alive and i didn't manage to do it so i resorted to injuring him and trying to take him and possibly dodgy him to continue the original RP scenario but when i started hearing sirens i noticed i wouldn't have enough time to take him injured either so the entire situation was just impossible to salvage with the hostage exchange.

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@Bmav& @AlexSnowSuttonWould you both like to organise a chat on discord or TeamSpeak together and report back how it went?

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Alright @AlexSnowSutton& @Bmav

I've reviewed the footage provided and read what both of you had to say,

I think the quality of RP wasn't amazing in this situation and there definitely could of been improvements on both sides,

@AlexSnowSutton I understand the RP that @Bmavprovided before stabbing you wasn't the best and there definitely could of been more to it, if you were to of complied with his demands of placing your hands up and seeing where it goes then we could decide if there was a quality of RP there or not. Just because there was no prior RP from when he asked you to place your hands up doesn't immediately make it low quality roleplay and especially doesn't grant you to run off while at knife point.

Yes, there might of been a voice chat issue to were you couldn't hear him but if you are placed into a situation were you have no weapons out and someone has the advantage on you by having a knife out very close to you in a combat stance the best thing to do would be to place your hands up as you would be fearing for your life at this point.

From what I read I do think that you do understand where you went wrong in this situation and believe that you are going to improve on this in the future.

Action Taken

CharID: 84423

Rule:  G2.4

Punishment: Warning Issued

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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