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Reduce Safe Upgrade Prices


Well-known member
Grove Street
Right now upgrading safes for gangs is really expensive to the point where might aswell have a storage container and fully upgrade it to 25 000 storage and its cheaper than upgrading 5000 storage in a safe.

Example of current prices for safes:

Safe Upgrade:

Storage: 2500---> 6000 

Price: 2 500 000

Current prices to Upgrade Storage containers:

Storage container Upgrade:

Storage: 5000---> 10 000

Price: 150 000

My Suggestion would be make all the safes go up to 10 000 Storage max besides the big one that one can stay the same but change the prices to be more affordable even 1 mil to fully upgrade it to 10 000 storage would be at the very least decent.


- Makes Safes more usefull and more used probably.

- Makes for easier managing ranks within the gang and giving acess without it all being pilled up in one singular safe (The big storage one)


- Dev Time

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+1 Makes more sense with the obvious vulnerabilities with gang storage to have it cost less to upgrade then storage containers.
