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MAN News - Our new facility tour and film and an interview with INS Zulufighter!


Active member
United Kingdom
MAN News have recently got a new facility on Malden.

Today, we made a film on the new facility we have been given on Malden to do interviews and present shows in. We will use this very commonly for the greenscreens, in order to have better videos posted and more. We have also been told of some more new stuff that will be added to MAN which is yet to be released.

On top of this, as a thank you for helping keeping "unwanted" people out, INS. Zulufighter was given an interview which you can watch bellow as well as the facility tour and overview.

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CEO - Shadow @Havock

Editor - Joshua @Josh0733

Presenter - Simon Muyijtafung @Simon Muyijtafung

Do you want to be featured in an interview?

If you wish to participate in a MAN News interview, you may reply to any of our interview posts with a time and we can try and find you on Malden. Most interviews will be free for a long period of time before Malden gets more developed in the way of people having money. Thank you for watching and have a great night/day!

Some people I forgot to tag in this post.




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The Church of Malden would be greatly interested in doing an interview with MAN
