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  • In our spare time in the NHS we have moments like this! I had a really good time tonight.

    You Saved my life last night..Thank you!

    Had a great time today as a CIV with some Roleplay however seen even more RP when i was on as a medic. Love to see how much people RP with medics! Keep up the great work everyone!

    Love when we see amazing Roleplay from everyone within the community. Makes me proud to be a member of the best community out there :)

    Bye Stuart

    I hope I can get in touch with you on teamspeak to explain everything what happened to me today.

    Many kisses (no homo),


    Sad to see you go Tristan :( Hope you come back soon dude :(

    Since being a medic i have met some of the most Quality Roleplayers! Keep it up everyone, We all love great RP :)

    I've had some great rp with you as a medic keep it up and you will get DR soon :D

    The moment you get told you're delivery is rearranged for tomorrow. Waited a week for delivery so far :( I just want my gaming laptop! See you all on the server tomorrow with a bit of luck :)

    Plan to reapply back to the NHS as soon as i get my Gaming laptop :> Next week at the latest :) Loved my time with the NHS in the Past can't wait for this time around if i get accepted!

    Hope you get in! The NHS seems like a blast, so i also applied eralier this evening.

    Good Luck! I loved it last time i was part of the NHS! Best role play you will see is as a medic!

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