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Unban Appeal - mobilesuitgang - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Negbar Tigbits
Steam ID: 76561198193367343
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17022
Ban Reason: c1.2
Why do you think you were banned: As I reflect on the circumstances leading to my ban, I can't help but feel a mixture of frustration and confusion. The reason cited for my ban was that my name was deemed racist, or at least that's what I think it was. It's a perplexing situation because I never intended for my name to be offensive or derogatory in any way.

The realization of being banned hit me like a sudden gust of wind on a calm day. I was going about my usual activities, perhaps engaging in some online gaming or participating in a discussion forum, when suddenly I found myself locked out of my account. At first, I couldn't comprehend what had happened. Was it a technical glitch? Had I inadvertently violated some community guidelines? It wasn't until I received a notification or an email explaining the reason behind my ban that it began to sink in.

The accusation that my name was racist felt like a punch to the gut. I had chosen that username, or perhaps it was my real name, without a second thought to its potential implications. It was a moniker I had been using for years across various online platforms, and never once did it occur to me that it could be interpreted as offensive.

Now, as I reflect on it, I wonder how my innocuous choice of a username could be perceived as racist. Was it a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation of cultural context, or did I unknowingly adopt a name with connotations that I wasn't aware of? The ambiguity of the situation only adds to my frustration.

In hindsight, I wish there had been clearer guidelines or warnings regarding what constitutes an acceptable username. Perhaps then I could have avoided this predicament altogether. But alas, here I am, grappling with the consequences of a ban that feels unjust and undeserved.

Moving forward, I'm left with a lingering sense of unease. Will I be able to reclaim my online presence under a different name? Will I be able to engage in communities and platforms without the fear of inadvertently causing offense? These are questions that weigh heavily on my mind as I navigate the aftermath of being banned for a name that I never imagined could be perceived as racist.
Why should we unban you: Because I never got a chance to change my name.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good Evening, @mobilesuitgang
I hope we are well today?

As lovely and intricate of a reply you have given, we DO NOT accept appeals written by AI.
Given the weight of your ban, C1.2, I would have thought you'd put in the effort yourself to explain your actions.

Your name was force changed, yes - but not ultimately what landed you the C1.2 ban.
Therefor, your appeal will be DENIED. Should you wish to try and appeal again, take some time reading our rules - GTA RP Rules and Community Rules.
