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Unban Appeal - bulmer - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jake Icetea
Steam ID: 76561198880331817
Ban ID (just the numbers): 5529
Ban Reason: I was banned for been underage two years ago August of 2021 since then i haven't really been playing games I've been looking for a uk based rp server to play and seen this server streamed in twitch and it looks pretty good would love to return and roleplay and just chill i was 16 and now i am 18 turning 19 wanting to return and add to the server in a positive way
Why do you think you were banned: due to my age and immaturity
Why should we unban you: because I'm not here to ruin the experience for others I'm here to roleplay and add to the server I also made a new account due to having a account with a email that no longer exists
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good Evening @bulmer
I hope we are well today?

Will you be able to join our TeamSpeak at some point in the next few days?
From there, join the 'Join for Support' channel', where a member of the staff team will talk to you regarding your ban.
Please have the link to this appeal ready, to pass over to who speaks with you.

You can find out TeamSpeak here by clicking:
Good evening @bulmer

Thank you for doing the above. I can confirm you are of age to be able to play on our server.

Your ban wasn't solely for being underage.
Whilst I understand some time has passed since your ban. Try and rack your brain for me, the best you can!
Can you tell me what rule C2.3 is, and why you think I may be bringing this up?
The combat logging rule where you remain in roleplay and play out a loosing scenario I think I got a a warning for it however I vividly remember been banned for been underage however if I got bannned for that fair play I was pretty immature at 16 and rude I’d be more than willing to talk about it and move forward if that’s possible
Hi @bulmer

C2.3 isn't a warning - it's a permanent ban also.
If you're willing to talk about it, that's why you're here! So please, as much as you can remember in detail.
And why do you think we have this rule?
Sorry I’ve been busy due to work at the minute I’ve been doing quite a lot of hours so I personally think you have this rule to prevent players even having the idea of ruining the role play experience by just logging off before they loose a role play scenario and from what I can remember I did used to break rules and combat log I was just turned 16 at the time and was very rude and angry I remember been rude to the admins a lot and I can remember I was in a admin sit and I was getting a warning or temporary ban for combat logging and then a conversation went on about my age due to sounding young and the admin said essentially that my age was the final straw and needed to be banned permanently and I would be able to appeal my ban when I’m off age to play the server
Good morning @bulmer

If you were allowed back, how can we be sure you won't break our rules again, say if you get into a heated situation where you get angry?

And what are your plans within RP for a character?
Go for none violent roleplay I’m intrested in fun and I’m also not a child anymore video games don’t get heated or annoyed I want to play as a martial arts instructor funnily enough
Can you tell me what steps you would take, should you find yourself in a heated situation, or becoming agitated, again?

Can you also tell me, following the rule C2.3, when you are allowed to log out, and when you are NOT allowed to log out?
Step 1 finish the role play scene when able to log off do so and go and do Somet else as it’s become not fun why take part in something not annoying or frustrating and do other things you can not log off when entering combat do not log off when dead/down and do not log off when you are been arrested
I'm not quite sure what you're quite trying to explain above. Can you please try and explain a bit more?

Also, should you find yourself downed/ incapacitated - what steps, should you need to leave, do you think would be appropriate to take?
essentially if was to get heated i would just turn the game off when it is ok to do so when the roleplay scenario is finished
if i found my self downed and i had to leave i would stay and roleplay out the scenario then leave once the new life rule has taken place
Another option, if you really desperately need to leave, is to inform the other party through OOC or LOOC and get the scenario finished. Otherwise, informing admins would be a good idea as well.

Either way, I am willing to give you another chance today. Read our rules and do not get yourself banned again, as any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again.
