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Report a player - Unknown Cutlass - GTA RP

Ben Labile

Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Ben Labile
Reported Players: Unknown Cutlass
Date: May 6, 2024
Time: 16:00
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: At around 1600 Aztecas had decided that we would go and check Balla turf and see if we can find any Balla's around (context, we're currently in a "beef" with Ballas). Whilst heading to and driving around Balla turf, a couple of Aztecas started getting chased by Cutlass members. This is when whichever Cutlass member that was in the heli above Balla turf also shot the first shots and started shooting at Azteca cars around Balla turf (this can be heard at 5:20 as Jack states over radio they are being shot at).

Whilst getting chased by Cutlass members, Aztecas tried to regroup on the highway but myself and Baz get stuck at the Civillian Impound. We are smashed into by a lot of Cutlass cars and then they just opened fire. Nothing said.

It is to my understanding that this may not have been random as I am aware that there was a smaller fight earlier on in the day with Cutlass, my problem is that lack of RP completely. Aztecas were expecting Cutlass to be looking for us, that is understandable. What isn't understandable is the level of KOS that Cutlass came with.

Aztecas are not at war with Cutlass, nor do we want to be at war with Cutlass. We are currently in a "war" of sorts with Ballas. At no point has a conversation been had where KOS between Aztecas and Cutlass has been agreed.

As can be seen in my clip, the whole situation from the moment I logged on to the moment I was killed. Showing that I had no RP from Cutlass whatsoever prior to them opening fire on myself and Baz.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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I have just been sent another POV and wanted to add it in but I am unable to edit the report itself. This POV is from another member of Aztecas and shows the first gunshots coming from the Cutlass members inside the heli. Other POV:
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A significant amount of context is missing from your report, such as the fact there was already an ongoing combat situation between both groups when you logged on. I can't help but notice that you race to an enemy territory within 5 minutes of logging in, placing yourself in the firing line. If you were already online, would you have been aware of the current situation, or did you simply hop on and get involved right away?
Hi Kash,

You seem to be confused or misinformed. There was no combat situation happening at all between Aztecas and Cutlass or Aztecas and Ballas when I connected to the server. If there was an active situation I would have been made aware so that I didn’t log on mid situation.

As far as I’m aware, the only thing that happened is Aztecas were set up on our turf anticipating that Ballas may arrive. Cutlass came to the Azteca block with a heli and multiple cars, circled for about 10 minutes and left. No shots were fired. No one in Aztecas spoke to anyone in Cutlass (to my knowledge). Meaning there was no situation at all, certainly not a combat situation.

I connected to the server and stood in the safe house for a solid minute on my phone. I leave the safe house and see a bunch of Aztecas getting in cars and leaving, which is when I turn on my radio and join the group freq. The call gets made over radio to get in cars and go to Ballas turf to look for Ballas. There was no rushing to an enemy territory we had no idea if Ballas would be there or not, so why does that mean I’m putting myself in the firing line? It was when other Aztecas were at Ballas turf that they were shot at by whichever Cutlass member was in the heli (see the clip provided in my comment). After the heli started shooting at the other Aztecas around Ballas turf, that is when myself and Baz are slammed into and mag dumped with no RP.

Like I have stated in the report itself. The attack may not have been random (that’s for staff to decide) but it surely wasn’t executed with the high standard of RP expected. In fact there was no RP at all.

There were plenty Cutlass members at the impound, and myself and Baz seemingly excluded from the rest of the group, so what prevented Cutlass from exiting their vehicles and ordering us out of ours with our hands up?

There was a complete lack of high quality RP and that is why I’ve reported for RDM.
I appreciate your partial honesty in acknowledging the push, but you failed to acknowledge the numerous rounds that had already been fired by both sides. Since you had just logged on and seemed to be ignorant of the risks associated with travelling to hostile territory during conflict, you would not be aware of this. For what reason did you decide to run and radio if there wasn't an ongoing situation? A lot of what you have said in this report, in my opinion, is conflicting.
Hi Kash,

Again, you seem to be misinformed. Whilst Cutlass did attempt to push Aztecas while they were set up waiting for Ballas, no shots were fired to or from Cutlass vehicles. I wasn't there, so I'll allow someone else to comment on that from our side but afaik there was no hostility while Cutlass were circling the Azteca block and no shots were fired from either side. To my knowledge, the only shots that were fired between Aztecas and Cutlass that day were 3 hours prior when Cutlass tried to hold up multiple members of Aztecas.

To say I'm ignorant of the risks is just silly imo. I knew the risks involved with going to Ballas turf. I expected Ballas to be there shooting at us, not Cutlass. I knew there was a risk of being shot at...by Ballas. I didn't expect to be rammed into (at the time of leaving the Azteca block with Baz) and mag dumped by Cutlass cars with no RP at all. Now if we had gone to Cutlass' turf, of course the risk lays there of being shot by Cutlass, but we didn't.

"For what reason did you decide to run and radio if there wasn't an ongoing situation?"Why wouldn't I radio? I was being chased by multiple Cutlass cars after being told over radio that Cutlass were shooting other members of Aztecas from a heli? Why would I stay silent on my radio knowing your members are shooting ours and now I'm being chased? Of course I'm going to let other members know where I am and what is happening.

My clip:
1:52 - A conversation is happening over radio about members needing to go to Civilian Impound
2:40 - A call is made over radio "everyone spin Ballas" - to look for Ballas
2:51 - I asked Baz what's happening, and he responds with "we're gonna fight Ballas"
4:14 - Luna asks "where is everyone?" and it's confirmed that other Aztecas were already at Balla turf and driving around that area...once again we were there for Ballas
4:43 - comms are being given from other Aztecas over radio to determine where Ballas were and if they were hiding on their turf/on roofs etc
5:06 - It's called out over radio that Cutlass had arrived at Balla turf
5:10 - The comm is then made that Cutlass were "pressuring a Krieger" who from looking at the other POV may have been on his own at the time
5:20 - Jack makes sure everyone hears over radio that they are being shot at (by Cutlass)
5:22 - Molotov then confirms Jacks comm by stating that it was the "heli shooting" which we knew to be Cutlass (this can be seen and heard clearly in Molotov's POV attached to this report).
5:30 - I look behind and see multiple Cutlass cars starting to chase us so Baz makes the comm that we are now being chased - we turn towards Civ Impound and end up driving head first into more Cutlass cars
5:40ish - I make the call over radio that myself and Baz are "fucked Impound. We need help Impound" and before either of us exit the vehicle shots are already flying towards us from multiple cars and I am gunned down before I properly get out the car

Molotovs POV (I won't timstamp the whole thing, just the most important part)
4:36 - Jack makes the call that they are being shot and Molotov see's the shots coming from the heli (Cutlass) and calls it out. This is what started the gun fight. Shots with 0 RP.

To reiterate, Aztecas went to Ballas turf to look for Ballas. It had nothing to do with Cutlass. Whilst Cutlass were on Azteca turf maybe 15/20 minutes prior you left and not a single shot was fired, ergo, no situation. There was no situation with Cutlass at all other than the gun fight 3 hours prior which wouldn't excuse KOS. Myself and Baz were shot with 0 RP, as were other Aztecas at Ballas turf who were being shot by the Cutlass heli. As I have stated multiple times, whilst the attack may not have been random (I'll leave that for staff to decide) it certainly lacked the high quality RP that is expected especially from a whitelisted group.

I won't be replying further unless staff have any questions. I think I've said all I need to. Your group started a gun fight with 0 RP and mag dumped 2 people with 0 RP.
You intentionally put yourself in harm's way when you logged on and said, "I knew the risks involved with going to Ballas turf." When Aztecas fled to Balla's turf, the fight between us had already begun; perhaps this was a naive move. We've been advised not to hop and go put ourselves in a potential combat situation and to at least wait 15 minutes, so I don't think you should be immune to the rules.
We’re at war with Ballas…I’m in harms way the second I log on the server lmao. There was no fight between Cutlass and Aztecas when we decided to go and look for Ballas. No shots had been fired and Cutlass had left Azteca turf which is when we decided to go and look for Ballas.

Since you want to bring up the “hop on rule” I’ll simply quote it for you.

G11.5 - when joining the server, you cannot involve yourself in any ONGOING hostile situations involving your group/faction for 15 minutes.

I emphasise ONGOING. There was no ONGOING situation with Ballas or Cutlass when I connected to the server. We went looking for Ballas as a group and Cutlass had left Azteca block 15 minutes prior with not a single shot fired so there was no situation ONGOING.

I think you’re trying to misdirect the report. If you feel I have broken a rule please feel free to make your own report and let’s focus on the report at hand. You and your group RDM’d multiple Aztecas when you decided to open fire with 0 RP. That is what’s being reported here. Do you have a proper defence for this or are you going to continue attempting to misdirect and ignore the report itself and not address my concerns?

I won’t be replying further unless staff have questions.
When you weren't online, how could you have known about the situation? You made a conscious choice to log on and leave your SAFEhouse in order to participate in the fight within 5 minutes, even though it had already begun. For just that reason, you are the one reporting. I don't know why Aztecas chose to flee to Ballas' territory in the middle of the fight, but who am I to argue it wasn't a wise move?
I’m not sure why I need to keep repeating myself Kash. There was NO ongoing situation between Aztecas and Cutlass. If you’re just going to keep spewing lies and trying to misdirect the report then I don’t think we have anything else to discuss.
I realise you weren't aware of the situation because you weren't online, but if you had followed by the rules and stayed out, we wouldn't be in this scenario right now. Your actions of logging on in the middle of the event, entering the danger zone, fleeing and then posting a report indicate to me that you are weaponizing the process rather than engaging in roleplay. It's unfortunate.


Do you have any evidence about this prior roleplay situation you mentioned that resulted in the shooting at Ballas turf?
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I didn't have eyes on the shootout but you can hear from my POV. After going to Dodgey, we discovered that Aztecas had relocated to Ballas and continued the fight there.

Thank you, do you have a time stamp for that video? Any information that can support the timings? Or information such as deaths to verify the timing of events?

Do you have anything longer than 30 seconds? It's not much to work with.
We did take a guy from the fight to the dodgey, this should be in the logs as I haven't any more clips.
Hello Kash,

I appreciate you providing footage of the situation. However, what I don't appreciate is the attempt to lie on this report. In your reply, you stated we retreated to Ballas from this situation. I think we both know this isn't true. To prove this, we will provide a timestamp of the situations below with evidence to support this:
  1. Initial RDM at Balla turf: https://gyazo.com/4cd4e89d29722a34f1a576ae92279bb3 (Screenshot of time of the Clip from Molotov's clip). Molotov can jump in a call with staff to verify that this is the correct clip if needed.

  2. The fight was then taken to the block (YOUR CLIP), where Anthony downed 2 Cutlass members, and he was downed alongside Terry Akinson. Logs will be able to prove these kills and deaths were after the time stated above for the initial RDM.

  3. After this the fight continued and Terry Akinson was taken to the Cutlass arcade where he bled out and died. (Again logs can back this statement).

    Prior to all this, there hadn't been any hostile/combat interactions with Cutlass other than hours before, which logs will also show. I feel like this is becoming a common theme where you are always trying to navigate reports away from the actual rulebreak being reported. It's also convenient that in this situation that you have no further clips but in many previous situations you almost seem to clip everything.

Who fired the first bullets at Jack MacKenzie as heard in the initial reported clip?
Hello Kash,

I appreciate you providing footage of the situation. However, what I don't appreciate is the attempt to lie on this report. In your reply, you stated we retreated to Ballas from this situation. I think we both know this isn't true. To prove this, we will provide a timestamp of the situations below with evidence to support this:
  1. Initial RDM at Balla turf: https://gyazo.com/4cd4e89d29722a34f1a576ae92279bb3 (Screenshot of time of the Clip from Molotov's clip). Molotov can jump in a call with staff to verify that this is the correct clip if needed.

  2. The fight was then taken to the block (YOUR CLIP), where Anthony downed 2 Cutlass members, and he was downed alongside Terry Akinson. Logs will be able to prove these kills and deaths were after the time stated above for the initial RDM.

  3. After this the fight continued and Terry Akinson was taken to the Cutlass arcade where he bled out and died. (Again logs can back this statement).

    Prior to all this, there hadn't been any hostile/combat interactions with Cutlass other than hours before, which logs will also show. I feel like this is becoming a common theme where you are always trying to navigate reports away from the actual rulebreak being reported. It's also convenient that in this situation that you have no further clips but in many previous situations you almost seem to clip everything.

No, you missed the most important portion of the fight before you logged on, therefore you don't know how things happened in the sequence they did.

Teza went down way after...



Who fired the first bullets at Jack MacKenzie as heard in the initial reported clip?

I couldn't confirm it at this point because so much shooting had already occurred, but "670" was the character ID of the guy we took to Dodgey during the first Azteca fight.
I have spoken to other members of Aztecas that had confirmed the only combat situation with Cutlass had happened hours prior before a server restart. That's how I know the sequence of things that happened and logs can back this up.

The clip of Tezza being "racist" is grasping at straws, he calls someone a monkey bastard that has made his character around being someone that wears a monkey mask. When this was asked about in OOC Tezza also informed you of that, so lets not try deflect this report to a direction it doesn't need to. It seems like you're just trying to confuse staff reading this in all honesty.

Again, no shooting had already occurred and it's a real shame on this odd occasion you don't have a clip of the situation but I'm sure you can speak to your members to find out who it was that was in the Heli as that was the vehicle who shot first.
You've provided a clip of you hopping online and getting active within 5 minutes. I've provided the ID (670) of the guy whom we downed during the first situation with Aztecas at around 3:35pm.

Please note that at no point was there a monkey or any kind of representation present.
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