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NHS Open day 2020

Maverick Delta

Los Santos NHS
NHS Open Day

Sunday 10th May 2020

20:30 GMT - Kavala Hospital


Anyone currently looking to join or already in the NHS or even people looking for a bit of fun is welcome to come to our annual NHS open day, come along and have a look at what we have to offer and feel free to ask us any questions that you may have. Come have fun with a variety of different events put on by our NHS medic's for a chance to win vital medical equipment which you never know may come in handy someday.​


Possible rewards

- Defibrillators ​

- Blood bags​

- Stretchers​

- Lollipops​

- Other Medical Prizes​

- Maybe even a few bit of morphine here and there 😉


Hopefully we will see you around soon 

Can i see the NHS blackish plz
no blackfish this time but this vehicle may be there 👀


no blackfish this time but this vehicle may be there 👀

Is this part of our new NHS fleet?  Shoots  morphine from the sky along with our NHS tank that has a huge morphine cannon! 😂   Finally be able to go in the redzone lol 

@Landon, Come along and hopefully you will gain a better understanding of the NHS and what we expect of our staff which can help out when trying to join. Also If there are any questions you do have then its a good way to get them answered further helping you out 🙂
