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Report a Player - SgtM Kieron - RDM (Action Taken)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name

SGT Lee Burn

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

SgtM Kieron

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We chased a couple civs who were breaking traffic laws and managed to restrain and talk to the civs. The UNMC show up which is fine and we try to carry on with the situation. We notice that the UNMC are up the hill near their heli and PPC Matt Woodside and CI Jason go up to investigate. We find SgtM Kieron near the heli and engage in friendly conversation with him. Before long AR show up about 500 meters down the hill from us and start talking to the UNMC down there. We had no idea what was being said or done. Me and Matt were talking to SgtM Kieron about Lolipops when he suddenly opens fire on both of us without a word. We knew that one of his friends was restrained due to the log on the left of the screen but both Matt and myself ignore the Meta info. So as far as we know up on the hill, nothing is happening down there. Also, neither of us had our guns drawn. I feel this is broken RP and RDM on his part for not saying a word and taking a step back and killing both of us point blank range.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I was with SGT Lee Burn during this encounter. We were up on the hilltop and enjoying quite a nice conversation - you can hear our teamspeak and in-game voice chats quite clearly in the linked video; nearly all of our conversation took place in direct chat with SgtM Kieron. Neither of us had weapons drawn, in fact, I requested that the individual go ahead and just holster his, as there was no threat from us or others. This individual could've easily said something to the effect of "Okay time to die", or other fail-RP phrases, or anything at all, but instead decided that it was appropriate to outright murder myself and my superior officer without saying anything to us.

There was a mistake with coms and i got told that i could open fire and cops as one of the unmc got knocked out and then he told me i could them after i killed them i asked in ts if that was the correct thing to do and then got told it was fine but i had douts in my mind and then after that i was killed. but i am sorry for what happened i wish to apologize what i have done and any in convinces i have caused.

There was a mistake with coms and i got told that i could open fire and cops as one of the unmc got knocked out and then he told me i could them after i killed them i asked in ts if that was the correct thing to do and then got told it was fine but i had douts in my mind and then after that i was killed. but i am sorry for what happened i wish to apologize what i have done and any in convinces i have caused.
Do you by any chance have any proof of the coms at the time?
Do you know that you are responsible for who you shoot no matter what another person tells you?

Do you by any chance have any proof of the coms at the time?
Do you know that you are responsible for who you shoot no matter what another person tells you?
no i dont sorry we never knew the person that was knocked out at had his radio taken this person has now been banned under 1.6 and he told us to shoot but after i shot i asked myself should i have pulled the trigger and then i was like shit but as you can see i have tried to speak with him and he just shut me down i never got 1 message to say look can we have a chat about what you did. 

no i dont sorry we never knew the person that was knocked out at had his radio taken this person has now been banned under 1.6 and he told us to shoot but after i shot i asked myself should i have pulled the trigger and then i was like shit but as you can see i have tried to speak with him and he just shut me down i never got 1 message to say look can we have a chat about what you did. 
I went to an admin and he advised me to post it as it as clear cut he said. I am sorry if you feel I did not give you a chance but I was following direction.  Like I said above, It is out of my hands as this is staff related. All that would have happened if we had talked would have been a waste of time. The admin who advised me even asked why we did talk as  briefly as we did. 

There is nothing personal here :) 

What ever staff decides I'm ok with.

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I went to an admin and he advised me to post it as it as clear cut he said. I am sorry if you feel I did not give you a chance but I was following direction.  Like I said above, It is out of my hands as this is staff related. All that would have happened if we had talked would have been a waste of time. The admin who advised me even asked why we did talk as  briefly as we did. 

There is nothing personal here :) 

What ever staff decides I'm ok with.
but staff are to tell people to resolve it before it go to a report a player and i have apologised what i have done but you just keep shutting me down. 

you and me in a room with a staff member thats not police or UNMC.
As I already stated, there is nothing for us to resolve mate. We already had a brief chat with 2 admins and the officers present and the admin said there was nothign to resolve. I also made it clear that It was not personal. If you can figure out what we have to resolve then I would happily talk again, but I do not feel it is inn my hands to resolve this as I have nothing to comp and I have nothing personal against you. If I RDM'd (which I have been reported for before) I just accpeted where I went wrong and comped the guy and then suffered the consequence. 

I am no hypocrite here so I am happy for staff to settle this with you and I hope it can be a good out come but that is nothing to do with me now.

Now @Kieron This is your first registered offence for RDM. But it was clear that the two situations at the time where completely separate with different roleplay stories taking place. It's your responsibility to realise that these are two different situations although receiving a fire order. Henceforth the action being taken for this report.

SgtM. Kieron: Action Taken - 2.2

SteamID: 76561198123656004

BGUID: 0f1a668dceb7e5b60e52b7554279c405

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