The departure forum is to say your goodbyes, but should only be used as a last goodbye if you are actually leaving with no immediate plans to return to the servers, teamspeak & forums in the foreseeable future (In this case we accept this to be 6 months +)
If you are leaving for a short time or taking a break then PM your friend's or contact them on steam etc, If you are missed then I am sure someone will message you asking where the heck you have disappeared to!
When posting please do so in a mature fashion, feel free to tag friends and share memories and experiences here (screenshots and videos) and what you enjoyed, One liners or just bye isn't worth the time in people reading and replying so make it count!
Please note we do not consider having a dig at another member, faction leaders, or the staff, management team leaving in a mature fashion, there is no need to do this so please leave on good terms.
This is your legacy, This is the final thread that's going to appear on your profile to members looking in the future therefore go out on a positive! There is no need to write a negative departure so keep it friendly and leave on a high!
There should strictly not be a departure post for the following.
- Been banned but have not filled in an un-ban request or still awaiting its outcome
- Cry's for attention! We have had a fair share of these! (Many are hidden at the request of the OP)
- Troll leaving posts aka... I am leaving... Only joking!
- My computer is broke... waiting for a new part - Use Lost Property
- I am going on holiday see you in 2 weeks - Use Lost Property
- Leaving if you have been banned for an immature act (Mass RDM/VDM - You rightly do not get a goodbye on this forum)
Please remember not many forums entertain a departures forum so please be grateful we have one and use it preciously as intended so we can insure our valued members get the goodbye they deserve.
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