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Compensation Request - mattybhoy12

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In-game Name: john
Steam ID:
Date this happened: 10/02/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Tried to stop the truck with full communication as i was in voice range didnt stop shot at tires not the driver chased and tried to put the bird down and he came off the road to kill us when we were not in his path.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Had MXC 160k combat fatigues 10k carrier vest 7.5k around 11 mags cant remember can see in video arco backpack big one 5k the rest i can pay for myself it doesnt matter but they are the main things. so total value is just over 180k ish but 180k would be good.

the video is being uploaded as i write this please allow around 30 minutes for it to finish i would have waited to make the report but rather busy with house things sorry.

steam id does not work on this site for some reason also sorry about that.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Funds will be added to your account.

Please send me your player ID to confirm its actually you.

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Your steamID is what you need to post. 

This is a long number beginning with a 7. 

You can find this via the stats page here or via your steam account link.

i was asked for a player id unfortunetly my steam id does not work thats why i doint have it on my profile but my player id is 76561198014046413

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