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League of Legends ranked 5v5 team

Mr Laurens

Well-known member
The Netherlands
Hello ALUK members,

I am looking for good active League of Legends players to join our ALUK ranked 5v5 team. I am currently Gold II and was gold season 4 and 5. planning to be plat next season. This is why i am searching for players with the rank Platinum + . if you are interested please feel free to contact me on teamspeak or message me on the forums. you can also reply on this topic if you are interested. Maybe some critical info: its on EUW

Spots open: 1

Current Roster:

Top Lane: - PaulS

Mid Lane: -  Grannez

Jungle: - Laurens

ADC: - Marko

Support: - Steph

Subs:- Supermoosey, Ximi, Lucas

If you are interested in joining please provide your league of legends username and the roles you can play. 

Lets make the league of legends community known with ALUK!

Kind Regards,


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was Plat 2 before i stopped playing and decayed probably, support mainly with a little splash of adc/top thrown in there

Plat IV

Main: top
I can just fill a role or play as a sub :)

IGN: Xymic


We are still looking for a Jungler. please feel free to message me.

Eclipse Noble, Plat 5, but was plat 1 around the end of season 5. (spend pre season duoing with my g5 gf having fun) I'm a jungle main.

3NVY Ociex, gold season 3, now silver 3 in season 5.
Mains Top/Jungle.
5 years of experiance,

CantHandIeMySwag(the I in handle is caps i) top / jungle around 2 years experiance and around 800 matches won

I would very much like to join !

I can play any lane -BUT jungle. I have been playing LoL for a long time, but have currently had a break. I'm unsure what rank I am now, but I was Gold 3.

Playing on EUW as required, and my in-game name is Vesanus (don't question it).

Main roles: Mid, ADC and a little bit of Top.

Hope for you to reply ! :)

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wednesday is the rank reset, planning to do the first ranked game thursday evening (21-01-2016). private message me if you can participate please.

@PaulS @Markooo @Steph @Grannez

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