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RDM - Nicolas

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
01-11-2015 02:45
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 1
Description of what happened:
After I was done selling salt I was on my way to Athira to deposit the cash. Close to the airfield an offroad pulled up to the road and was driving on the wrong side of the road. When I realized he wasn't going to go to the correct side of the road I hit the breaks and steered to the right to try to avoid a collision. We did crash into each other so I stopped to RP. I saw the driver get out of the vehicle and spotted his pistol, so I waited in the truck for a bit. I was just about to ask him to put the gun away when he shot me. He later told me he thought I VDM'd him, even though I clearly tried to get out of the way and showed no other hostile intents towards him.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Yes, I send him a text message asking him to come on teamspeak. He refused because he had to be quiet, because someone was asleep. We send some text messages back and forth and it became very clear that he had not read the rules. I told him to read the rules. He apologized and offered to pay me 45k (which he said is all he had) but that didn't feel right, because that doesn't put a dent in the money I lost, but is probably a lot to him.
I requested staff help and talked to a mentor about the issue.
After thinking about it for a while I decided to submit a report, because people should read the rules before they go around shooting other people. He apologized but was not able to compensate me, so I feel we did not get to a reasonable settlement.  This person's ignorance cost me about 1.3mil which just doesn't sit right with me. Add to that I found it very strange that he wouldn't come on teamspeak, even though mutes are against server rules, so he'd have to talk in-game too.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
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