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Un-ban Appeal - Henry (Unbanned: 03/11/15)

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Dear Admins 

Henry has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: Captain Morgan
Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198039277741
Your GUID or Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39506006
Date & Time you was banned:: 12:00am 23/10/2015
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): No admin name specified
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: Suspected money hack.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 2D) Using known exploits such as looting dead bodies, any duplication of items, duplication of money, using the Anti-VDM script to regain full health, landing on the roof of drug processors, working with Bounty hunters to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside normal usage (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal)
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: From a quantitative perspective, I can understand why an admin might have thought my brother and I were participating in a money hack. We gained a lot of money in a very short space of time, which must always send alarm bells ringing when you guys check the logs. However, this is not the case. We had decided to try our hand at bounty hunting and so, in the knowledge that bounty hunters avoid the use of lethal weapons, we decided to sell off our expensive guns quickly in Kavala (MK 1's, MXM's etc) so they wouldn't just be sat in our houses waiting to be stolen. We sold a lot of guns to a small number of people in Kavala, which explains how we gained in excess of £4million in a short space of time.

We've played on this server for nearly two months now, and consider ourselves to be good Roleplayers, and have a positive contribution to the wider community.
- Thanks guys

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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@Neo do you know anything more about this?


His brother, who says they are friends btw,

wants to be unbanned to.. I am not inclined to believe this explanation, are you @Neo ?

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We've been arms dealing for a long time now, and quite successfully at that. We even have an established customer base:
for example @MilesToGo

Funny you bring a guy in to vouch for you who is a bountyhunter too, just like you guys, because he got banned for arresting a friend as a BH... So how does a bountyhunter buy guns off some guys who want to sell their guns because they want to become bountyhunters?

I am getting confused here.

He's only recently become a Bounty Hunter I guess. The fact that Miles is now banned doesn't effect the sincerity of our appeal. We haven't sold anything to Miles for over a week to be fair.
White Bison IS my brother, and we never have and never will participate in a money hack. This has gone on for 3 days now, and we're desperate to get back to playing on the server.I understand that the waiting around un-ban appeals is used as a punishment, but we're being punished for a crime we simply haven't committed. If an admin would be able to find the time to look at our appeal soon we'd really like to play before the weekend finishes.

Thanks guys

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And why did he call you his friend when you say he is your brother?

Dude, I've already explained this on my appeal. I didn't think the information that we are brothers was important, so I didn't specify. Henry did. It's that simple.

If you really need a family photo then I'll send it to you, but we are brothers (and friends too  :D ).

Any luck finding Neo? We'd love to resolve this asap.

^ We didn't write our appeals with each other on Teamspeak. I chose to specify we were related, he decided it didn't really matter. 

Confirmed both surnames are the same (not revealing here)

I like you to be honest and explain why your money graphs are the most unstable i have ever seen ?

Hi Wilco thanks for having a look at our appeals.

Obviously I can't see it but i'm assuming the graph will show us having a stable amount of money, - when we're partaking in slower methods such as drug runs and HMS treasury shipwrecks, and then plummit to a much lower figure? This will be because we spend all our earnings from the aforementioned on weapons, which we then sell in due course. We've sold over £5million worth of weapons in one sale before, just to give you an idea. (We called it the truck of goodies) Also, bare in mind that we have to move safe-houses every so often, so if a sudden cash injection of around £2million appears, then this is simply because we've sold our properties.

I can completely understand why you'd be suspicious if the graph is funny, but that's honestly not what we play the game for. I don't think our cash stack has ever surpassed £8million. If we were hackers then we'd be pretty rubbish!


I don't know what else we can say that will make you believe that we're innocent here? Seems our friend George has been banned for the same reason. Why is this taking so long guys? I understand you're busy (holy hell look at the number of un-ban appeals), but I'd really hoped someone would have resolved this by now. 

Like I said before, punished for a crime we haven't committed.

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At the end of the day, you need to be patient. unbans are a low priority, and I hope you understand why.

You're being given a second chance.... As per your brother/friend/whatever.. any large transactions, document with screenshots/video/whatever...

Good luck



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