- Location
- Portugal

"Let the bodies hit the floor."
Hello guys,
As i stated on this post http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/30926-server-wipe/ , i'm going to do a wipe around 21h00 GMT +0 today (13/07/2015), back to the primitive since it will involve BP wipe, not changing my mind. This will also make people stay on longer, making other people join the server due the player base, roughly my idea.
I'm pretty sure no one will complain since no one is playing.
Hopefully it will bring new players, i will change the server name to wiped to try to achieve that.
Also, i will redo every oxide addon from scrap, so might take me a while but it will be better for server performace so we don't have as many error spam.
This might take me a while to do, so i expect max 21h30 it will be up and running, enjoy!
TL;DR: BP and MAP wipe today, around 21h00.
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