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I was Banned (Unbanned 06/07/15)

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Your In-game name:

Forrest Gump

Your Steam Profile ID:


Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):

eea44d4e5cb2d48525c77cd0581c3587Date & Time you was banned:

Around 2:00pm American time on 6/29/2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:


Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

It was my first time breaking nlr and i am really sorry that it happened it will never happen again i have read over the rules ill state the rule that i broke 

5A) A new life starts, when

Your character has been killed by a cop

Your character has died in a RP situation.

Your character has been involved in an accident

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: cant Find it

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How long have you been here and how could you not know about the NLR?

i have been on the server for 3 days if that is what you mean by how long and im enjoying the server btw  and ik about nlr it was my mistake and i am so sorry for being so fucking stupid of spawning back will never do this again i know you hear that a lot buy believe me i will never ever do it again i swear i am so sorry for being stupid i have read over the rules and i apologize for doing what i do apologize to the server and the admins. I will state the rule i broke again and none of these rules will never be broken again 

5A) A new life starts, when

Your character has been killed by a cop

Your character has died in a RP situation.

Your character has been involved in an accident

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 My friends and i did weed i have friends in the server we had iron runs too Nobody gave me money, we did days of weed runs. we did several helicopter runs too i loved the server so much we started a new clan its called shadow scars we are dedicated to the server i am the clan leader 

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I have unbanned you for a final chance.

And with regards to your message this is the forum you are looking for.

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