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Home Teleports, change them or remove them?

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Mr Cardoso

Awesome Portuguese Guy!
Hello folks,

I'll try to be short, because there is a lot of things i wanted to say and i just can't go through it all.


So to start, 2 new tweets that will change your rust ways:



No more praying for the RNG gods to get you one from a barrel or box! I like it but in the same way, having people with locks and keys was fun! (Until you got locked in your own house hehe)


I'm also doing some polls to get a general idea of what we should do on the next upcoming wipe, bare in mind if Garry doesn't force a wipe, we will. I think Hapis and some gangs pushed a lot of people away from the server, but i will still do a poll about it, look up... you should have some questions there.


I had an idea, roughly would sound like this:

  • Monday to Thursday (Buildings take no damage, therefor no raiding will happen)
  • Friday to Sunday (Buildings take normal damage or even more during this days)
  • PvP is always on, and i saw a system you can level up with it.
Discuss (I set a time window there, that can be changed. I also don't know if it's possible, but i'm pretty sure @Ciaran can do his magic ;) )


And i wanted to finish with this, please don't be idiots to people that don't deserve. I know it's Rust, but if you want a populated server to play with your friends, you need to play more and talk less.

Help people, you will get way more stuff than screwing with them in return.


Hope you liked this read, and please leave constructive feedback! 

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Personally the only thing I want removing is /remove, it just means people remove peoples full bases just to troll and leave some very racist signs in some cases, and their is no need for it,, if they want to remove someones whole base they should be made to waste the resources to do it.

+1000 to the raiding off through the week and on over the weekend, gives people who work or go to school a chance to defend their bases, and on the weekends it will hopefully get the numbers up!

Been sat here today thinking... are the rust numbers down due to the time of the month (i.e update inbound soon) or is it because of Hapis

Personally i think its a bit of both, but doing some research into numbers and rust servers that are simlar size to ours, I can conclude Hapis Island overall isn't as popular as procedural, I think Mr.C the poll last time was a bad move and instead of going by that the rust server should maintain stable management on massive decisions like map changes (admin decisions only - not community)

Thats my 2pence.

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Been sat here today thinking... are the rust numbers down due to the time of the month (i.e update inbound soon) or is it because of Hapis

Personally i think its a bit of both, but doing some research into numbers and rust servers that are simlar size to ours, I can conclude Hapis Island overall isn't as popular as procedural, I think Mr.C the poll last time was a bad move and instead of going by that the rust server should maintain stable management on massive decisions like map changes (admin decisions only - not community)

Thats my 2pence.
I agree, i will take some opinions i value, and make a final call. Thanks for the input Mr. Wilco and everyone.

/remove should go personally, its been done to me and i will admit to doing it to others who just shoot at you and take the whole base down in a few swings should be forced to tool it to death or waste c4

Resource rate while its good to have it high it's just encouraging the big gangs to stockpile to almost infinite amounts of C4 so maybe 3x that way i can still make my pretty Chan mon....Square house to store my belongings

not to sure on the no damage during the week thing i can see why people want it but as i work most saturdays and sundays (woo retail) i would have little benefit to it but if i wanted it my own way i would make my own server

edit: also i hate the current map, too small and too snowy

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I agree on getting rid of /remove or at least making it not so powerful.

Can I just say a big thanks to the admin team for listening to the players of the rust community. Hopefully we will see the numbers go back up to what they were when I joined the server originally.

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No to the no damage during the week.  How else will you stop people building right outside your own base? Also bases will be very big with no threat, and people will play knowing they cant be raided.

/remove only for the owners of the original cupboard or try a plugin that can set areas and try to see if you can limit the effects of the area ownership to be able to use /remove. That way even if raiders find the cupboards, they cant /remove.

/tphome /tpr can both stay but should be limited, some ideas:

/home only for the owners of the original cupboard (or same plugin idea as above, if possible)

/tpr AND /tpa only if you havent shot or if there wasn't any items used (so no more TP-ing in gunfights!) for a full minute


I like them, but the level of racist remarks on them is just beyond me.. And i guess some of the porn goes to far, maybe it's an idea to give admins the power (again, maybe a plugin) to find out who drew a sign/who uploaded it, giving them the possibilty to just ban people who take it too far.

With the /remove gone, another factor in de player decline (as I see it) will also be limited, since the really large groups won't be able to just wait till everyones offline and then go and destroy 20 bases in a row =P. (But even if you could, does it mean you should...?)

I think the no damage in weektime is not a good idea, are you trying to destroy whatever social life I have left or what? =P

I hope the admins can come up with a ruleset and combination of plugins that maintains a balance between the game aspect of complete unforgivingness and the fact we also should understand other people are there to have a good time too, so you dont HAVE to make it your goal to make all your enemies leave the server due to losing their entire base every time =)

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remove all tp's not just home tp destroys a big element of the game. the live map is enough of an aid as it is.

I think the /remove should be removed to an extent, like have it so if you are the guy who placed the wall you can /remove it (incase you misplace) and maybe if you do a command like /authorise [name] then they can too /remove them objects. For the no raiding in the week I can see how it would be a problem because if someone builds right on your base then you cant do anything, maybe there could be a way round it I don't know.  

1. Yes

2. 3x

3. Other -

I home teleport should be removed due to people using it outside of it's intended use.

However I think the 2 standard teleports we get need to be addressed as well, I am unsure of there being any work around but people teleporting out of their base with all of the valuables while being raided is rather cheap and is the reason a lot of offline raiding happens I would hate to have teleports removed all together as it wouldn't exactly catch the eye on the server list for people who are not from this community looking for a modded server to play on, after all most modded servers that have success do have teleports enabled.

My solution?

If possible make it so you're not able to use the teleport feature for 10 minutes after either waking up or 10 after combat this would prevent mid raid teleporting of items to a certain extent, I am not sure about how much you can play around with the mod and if anything like this is at all possible but it would indeed help.

 Ontop of what you have already asked in the poll I think side chat is an issue and I think something is needed to limit how much people use it due to issues with certain individuals flaming, abusing other players and just being a general asshat.

I commented in my post Here That maybe limiting the amount people can type in side chat will improve things or at least tone down some of the issues.


I think the remove feature should stay but make it so you can only remove walls you place if possible, this will still allow you to make changes to your own bases without using C4 but will prevent you from removing other peoples bases.

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Is there possible to limit /remove, like only you can remove the things you have PLACED, can't /remove other people's things, like for example Cardoso's stairs, even when you have all access to the cupboards he has placed?

If not, then better off make it stay, if you mess up something, when you build then ur f*cked..

e: Got raided and they removed all my base, rip lol

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I'd like the admins to also consider the placement of sleepingbags and the number. We built our base in the water and the foundations were completely submerged. Yet, hostiles managed to blow them all up. This means they either had to blow up ALL the outside walls of a pretty big geometrical base, or they had to swim in through the front doors, all they way onto the underwater floor. Now I know swimming back and forth is possible in some instances, but having built this base, I know it is pretty much impossible to swim all the way to the far end of the floor and back, and thats without placing c4.

So, then we saw the shitload of sleepingbags on the beach and I think what happened was this:

- Raiders know base owners not there

- Raiders completely safe put multiple sleeping bags on the beach, store gear and take a small number of C4

- Raiders swim in through (blown up) front doors, get as far onto the floor as possible, put C4 down and then drown or die in explosion

- On death they lose nothing, respawn on beach, and repeat

So, even if this didn't happen to us, something similar mustve happened to someone, if I can think of it, others will.

So.. ideas:

- Limited sleepingbags, one or two

- Only able to place sleepingbags within toolcupboard reach

- After removing a sleepingbag, unable to replace it for a certain time (to prevent raiders from just deleting one of their sleepingbags so they can still use the tactic described above)

Completely agree with Khandamirs sleeping bag suggestion. The larger gangs complain that the guys they are raiding use /home and /tp to escape or continue the fight yet they place tens of sleeping bags outside your base so they can keep returning after they die. Often building a small raid hut with guns and C4 in it so they can gear up on respawn.

  • PvP is always on, and i saw a system you can level up with it.
Please no levelling up. I spoke to a guy who just went around killing and destroying indiscriminately. ‘Who do you do this?’ I asked ‘My name's top of the leader board he replied’ before raiding my home while I slept. Let’s not encourage bad behaviour via leveling up.
