Steam ID: 76561199102876425
Character ID: 59658
When did this happen: 02/08/24
Summary: Archie Eye bug
Full Description:
Using the "Archie Eye" sometimes it comes up with an error in F8 menu with:
"SCRIPT ERROR: Error executing native 0x8acd366038d14505 at adress FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess.exeA65E3E."
Then try to use it again and have no interactions on anything for a few seconds (3-5 seconds) Sometimes it will repeat itself over and over.
To sort it, I opened the vehicle stats menu and that seemed to fix it for a few mins before it happened again.
Images / Video's
Character ID: 59658
When did this happen: 02/08/24
Summary: Archie Eye bug
Full Description:
Using the "Archie Eye" sometimes it comes up with an error in F8 menu with:
"SCRIPT ERROR: Error executing native 0x8acd366038d14505 at adress FiveM_b2699_GTAProcess.exeA65E3E."
Then try to use it again and have no interactions on anything for a few seconds (3-5 seconds) Sometimes it will repeat itself over and over.
To sort it, I opened the vehicle stats menu and that seemed to fix it for a few mins before it happened again.
Images / Video's