Dev Team
Los Santos Police Command
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter
Gruppe 6
- Location
- Vinewood Casino Management Office
Hello peeps!
Rather than clutter up the development changelog thread, I thought it was probably best to pop this guide into a separate topic and cross-link it.
I've been asked to give a little more detail on some of the clothing items that were put in or fixed by @Summerand myself on 15th Jan 2023, because some of you were struggling to find them all (which is not surprising, given that they were tucked here and there all over the place, into odd slots, because stuff moved around when it was fixed or improved).
Let's start with new stuff we added:
Ladies first... Five new dresses from creator AdoraMods, which you'll find in the clothing shop's Jacket slots 515-519 (with 6, 8, 5, 5 and 8 texture-variations each, respectively).

One of these (in Jacket 507, last texture variant) features a brand new dragon-pattern that is exclusive to RPUK (created by @Summer), and shown below.

This image also features the Xmas 2022 'very long hairstyle' released by Jagoda, which you'll find on Hair slot 142 at the barbers. (It's worth mentioning that if you previously had hair #142, you should find you now have hair #123 instead, which is a duplicate, so you should notice no difference - but it means we found ourselves with a spare slot in the middle of the pack... so that why this new hair is there, at #142? Clear?
In Jacket 520, you'll find the new 'Xmas Party 2022' dresses (below) also by Jagoda, in ten different texture flavours:

Next, in Jacket 522 you'll find one of @Summer's fabulous new creations - a floral 'mom shirt', which is a rework of a default GTA model, spun off here as a base for new textures. Keep 'em coming, oh High Seamstress!

Way back in Jacket slot 5 you'll notice (if you hunt) several super-cool new texture-variants for an otherwise fairly mundane base-GTA crop-top that @Summerhas once again worked her magic on and made special. Signal your love for your special partner - whatever your preferences - by marking yourself up as 'owned' (not pwned!)... or at least 'off-limits!'

Guys, fear not - you can do the same, and you'll find male equivalents on the blokey default GTA T-shirt over at Jacket Slot 0 up in the high numbered texture-variant end. Same goes for you - whatever your preference, you can say it in style!

And of course, for those who are happy (or not) to run around feeling desperate, lonely, needy and wanting, why not complete the feeling with the new SimpCity look? Also from @Summer, 100% fresh & exclusive to RPUK. She's got you covered, whether you're looking for one, or are one!
Girls, get yours on Jacket 141 slot, up at the high-end texture variants.

And you classy-but-desperate guys will find your SimpCity special-Tee on the same Jacket 0 slot as the His/Hers/Theirs above (see - we made it easy enough to find with one hand! Ain't we nice?
) Good luck out there - but remember they can see you coming now, yeah?

For the totally desperate but massively style-conscious guys out there, @Summerhas granted you some coordinated conductor-stripe sweatpants which you'll find on Trousers 168, gents. Impishly simple to look simply simpish now, ain't it?
Sorry, but it's guys only for these pants, but fair's fair - you ladies do be gettin' a lot too!

Back to the ladies for a second, and in Jacket 480 you'll find a hot new top with a dangling gold chain at the back, from creator PQMods.
You'll see the chain when you get in-city... gotta save some surprises, ain't we?
Just don't pull it; it doesn't flush! 
The observant among you will notice that this jacket slot used to be for a Puffer Jacket, but it's gone from there now. Why? The Puffer Jacket didn't play nice with many other clothing items (especially undershirts) so by request, it was moved from Jackets to Undershirts, so that it could more easily be combined with other clothing items. Your wish is my command!
You'll find that Puffer Jacket now on Undershirt 262 - (though if you already had it on, or had it saved in an outfit, don't worry, you haven't lost it - I took care of that for you and it should still be there in your sets. Your undershirt in that set will be gone, of course, but you now get a freed-up Jacket slot to play with to improve that combo! Get shopping, girls!
Downstairs now, to footwear...
@Summer, like many of you here, hated the fact that a cool pair of stock-GTAV patterned high-heels did not come in any black variants (I mean, Rockstar, what were you thinking?
). So she put that to rights, and made two new variants which you'll find at the high-end of texture variants over in Shoes slot 23. There's a version with a silver buckle, and one with a gold buckle, if you can dig it. 
Upstairs again to Millinery...
Now, ladies, it's oft-said that you don't have enough protection, and while this can sometimes be true, just know that @Summerhas got your back... or rather, your head. No more do you have to rock around looking like a Vietnam vet when wearing that goggles-helmet!
Treat yourself to one of three tidy new colourways variants -
"Heap of Skulls" for the Gothic look:
"Camo to Clash" for that Urban Guerilla-in-touch-with-my-feelings look:
... and the amazing "Strawberry-No-Sprinkles" for those of you who just cannot stop thinking about licking ice-cream:
You'll find all these on Hat slot 140, as you'd expect, at the high-end of the texture-variations.
Now we move on to some other changes, which give new flexibility, but with stuff we've already had (or had problems with in the past). Step this way...
Over in ladies Trouser slot 175, you'll find the 'High-waisted jeans' by Snowrella - which have been in the city since October, but have always been a bit iffy. They're the ones lovingly known as the 'booty-jeans' because of the bum size (even though there is actually another pair with a big butt, but not quite as nice, we feel).
These jeans were created rather strangely, with 'trouser' ankles that were separate from the 'undershirt' jeans, and the ankles weren't even available in our shops until a couple of weeks ago. Back then, along with @Summer's 13 amazing extra bespoke trouser textures, I put the ankles into the shops so they could be used with open heels, as intended by their creator.
However, because they were on 'trouser' slots, this separation made the whole issue of wearing heels still a bit of a drag; the jeans themselves were on an undershirt slot, and, well, it was all a bit messy. So I got out my scalpel and my sewing-kit, and painstakingly attached these flying-ankles on to the jeans, plus I made them properly 'racially-aware' (so that if you have dark skin, you don't end up with pink ankles!). Goodbye mess!

The whole lot is now on Trousers 175 (where the ankles used to be), and it's a lot simpler to use. Just pick the shoes you want, baby, and rock it!
(As before, if you had these on, or in an outfit, I've shuffled things around so that you're now automatically using the new combined trousers+ankles item, and shouldn't have to worry about fixing it yourself.)
So what did we do with that freed-up Undershirt slot 247 where the booty-jeans used to live?

Acting on an idea from @Summer, I've taken another very popular default-GTAV skirt (the plaid one) and turned it into an undershirt... so now it can be worn with the many variations of stockinged legs (and lots of other things), to create previously unseen combos and hot sexiness galore! Mix and match till your eyeballs fall out, girls!
The original skirt is still there on the trousers slot where it always was, so fear not - nothing lost, just added.
And that's almost it... except for a few more things for the boys... yeah, you're feeling needy again, ain't'cha lads?
OK, well, I noticed that four sets of trousers that were put in during the October update just plain didn't work. Nothing showed up, so I got the ol' scissors out again, and went stabbity-stab-stab until I fixed them all. Here's what you can now play with, that you couldn't before...

Trouser slot 156 has the ol' 'prison-availability' look (in seven different texture and colour variants), often popular amongst people who don't know what it actually means. Funny how these things spread... (isn't that what the big guy in Cell 15 said about your -...? No, wrong RP encounter... move along).

Oh, ok... so these are available on Trouser slot 159 and working now, four different ways. (Where are you going with this? What's he doing? And where?

Meanwhile on Trouser slot 160, these snazzy sweatpants are up for grabs - five flavours. (Still looking a bit dodgy on those undercrackers mate... pull up the frickin' drawstring or you're going to get offers!)

And finally, over on Trouser slot 162, we have these workwear jeans fixed at last... seven flavours of ruggedness and style. (Does he think he's frickin' Springsteen or something? Twat! He looks more like my aunty's builder...)
And that's it... almost...
The truly observant among you will notice that there's a gap, in the ladies Jacket tree, where 521 goes. Well, it's a secret, currently, but if you look really carefully, you might see someone rather special wearing it around town. It's not on general release, and we are still kinda testing the whole concept to see if it can be roleplayed maturely and with suitable decorum, but so far so good.
If you know what it is, and you want to explore that line of RP yourself, you'll know what to go and see those wonderful people in the NHS about when you're sick in the mornings... And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's cool - just stick to your fast cars and swanky guns and everything will be fine.
That really is it! What started out as a mad idea to fix a pair of broken custom trousers, ballooned (as so often is the case) into a massive dollop of creativity resulting in clothing, new ideas, new techniques, fixes, learnings, candle-burnings and yearnings - for even more.
A massive huge thanks to @Summerwho was the driving force and inspiration when I struggled with some of the tricky bits (getting the texture-weights right on those ankles was an absolute nightmare), and who just would not shut up when it came to pouring out wildly creative and left-field ideas that cunningly all needed pre-building for testing, which meant they were half-done already, so ended up going into the city. Clever tactic, girl.
Enjoy, everyone... And yes, I'm sure we will do more. Just let me get my breath back before we do it again, though, eh?
Rather than clutter up the development changelog thread, I thought it was probably best to pop this guide into a separate topic and cross-link it.
I've been asked to give a little more detail on some of the clothing items that were put in or fixed by @Summerand myself on 15th Jan 2023, because some of you were struggling to find them all (which is not surprising, given that they were tucked here and there all over the place, into odd slots, because stuff moved around when it was fixed or improved).
Let's start with new stuff we added:
Ladies first... Five new dresses from creator AdoraMods, which you'll find in the clothing shop's Jacket slots 515-519 (with 6, 8, 5, 5 and 8 texture-variations each, respectively).

One of these (in Jacket 507, last texture variant) features a brand new dragon-pattern that is exclusive to RPUK (created by @Summer), and shown below.

This image also features the Xmas 2022 'very long hairstyle' released by Jagoda, which you'll find on Hair slot 142 at the barbers. (It's worth mentioning that if you previously had hair #142, you should find you now have hair #123 instead, which is a duplicate, so you should notice no difference - but it means we found ourselves with a spare slot in the middle of the pack... so that why this new hair is there, at #142? Clear?

In Jacket 520, you'll find the new 'Xmas Party 2022' dresses (below) also by Jagoda, in ten different texture flavours:

Next, in Jacket 522 you'll find one of @Summer's fabulous new creations - a floral 'mom shirt', which is a rework of a default GTA model, spun off here as a base for new textures. Keep 'em coming, oh High Seamstress!

Way back in Jacket slot 5 you'll notice (if you hunt) several super-cool new texture-variants for an otherwise fairly mundane base-GTA crop-top that @Summerhas once again worked her magic on and made special. Signal your love for your special partner - whatever your preferences - by marking yourself up as 'owned' (not pwned!)... or at least 'off-limits!'

Guys, fear not - you can do the same, and you'll find male equivalents on the blokey default GTA T-shirt over at Jacket Slot 0 up in the high numbered texture-variant end. Same goes for you - whatever your preference, you can say it in style!

And of course, for those who are happy (or not) to run around feeling desperate, lonely, needy and wanting, why not complete the feeling with the new SimpCity look? Also from @Summer, 100% fresh & exclusive to RPUK. She's got you covered, whether you're looking for one, or are one!

And you classy-but-desperate guys will find your SimpCity special-Tee on the same Jacket 0 slot as the His/Hers/Theirs above (see - we made it easy enough to find with one hand! Ain't we nice?

For the totally desperate but massively style-conscious guys out there, @Summerhas granted you some coordinated conductor-stripe sweatpants which you'll find on Trousers 168, gents. Impishly simple to look simply simpish now, ain't it?

Back to the ladies for a second, and in Jacket 480 you'll find a hot new top with a dangling gold chain at the back, from creator PQMods.

You'll see the chain when you get in-city... gotta save some surprises, ain't we?

The observant among you will notice that this jacket slot used to be for a Puffer Jacket, but it's gone from there now. Why? The Puffer Jacket didn't play nice with many other clothing items (especially undershirts) so by request, it was moved from Jackets to Undershirts, so that it could more easily be combined with other clothing items. Your wish is my command!

You'll find that Puffer Jacket now on Undershirt 262 - (though if you already had it on, or had it saved in an outfit, don't worry, you haven't lost it - I took care of that for you and it should still be there in your sets. Your undershirt in that set will be gone, of course, but you now get a freed-up Jacket slot to play with to improve that combo! Get shopping, girls!

Downstairs now, to footwear...
@Summer, like many of you here, hated the fact that a cool pair of stock-GTAV patterned high-heels did not come in any black variants (I mean, Rockstar, what were you thinking?

Upstairs again to Millinery...
Now, ladies, it's oft-said that you don't have enough protection, and while this can sometimes be true, just know that @Summerhas got your back... or rather, your head. No more do you have to rock around looking like a Vietnam vet when wearing that goggles-helmet!
Treat yourself to one of three tidy new colourways variants -
"Heap of Skulls" for the Gothic look:

"Camo to Clash" for that Urban Guerilla-in-touch-with-my-feelings look:

... and the amazing "Strawberry-No-Sprinkles" for those of you who just cannot stop thinking about licking ice-cream:

You'll find all these on Hat slot 140, as you'd expect, at the high-end of the texture-variations.
Now we move on to some other changes, which give new flexibility, but with stuff we've already had (or had problems with in the past). Step this way...
Over in ladies Trouser slot 175, you'll find the 'High-waisted jeans' by Snowrella - which have been in the city since October, but have always been a bit iffy. They're the ones lovingly known as the 'booty-jeans' because of the bum size (even though there is actually another pair with a big butt, but not quite as nice, we feel).
These jeans were created rather strangely, with 'trouser' ankles that were separate from the 'undershirt' jeans, and the ankles weren't even available in our shops until a couple of weeks ago. Back then, along with @Summer's 13 amazing extra bespoke trouser textures, I put the ankles into the shops so they could be used with open heels, as intended by their creator.
However, because they were on 'trouser' slots, this separation made the whole issue of wearing heels still a bit of a drag; the jeans themselves were on an undershirt slot, and, well, it was all a bit messy. So I got out my scalpel and my sewing-kit, and painstakingly attached these flying-ankles on to the jeans, plus I made them properly 'racially-aware' (so that if you have dark skin, you don't end up with pink ankles!). Goodbye mess!

The whole lot is now on Trousers 175 (where the ankles used to be), and it's a lot simpler to use. Just pick the shoes you want, baby, and rock it!
(As before, if you had these on, or in an outfit, I've shuffled things around so that you're now automatically using the new combined trousers+ankles item, and shouldn't have to worry about fixing it yourself.)
So what did we do with that freed-up Undershirt slot 247 where the booty-jeans used to live?

Acting on an idea from @Summer, I've taken another very popular default-GTAV skirt (the plaid one) and turned it into an undershirt... so now it can be worn with the many variations of stockinged legs (and lots of other things), to create previously unseen combos and hot sexiness galore! Mix and match till your eyeballs fall out, girls!

The original skirt is still there on the trousers slot where it always was, so fear not - nothing lost, just added.
And that's almost it... except for a few more things for the boys... yeah, you're feeling needy again, ain't'cha lads?

OK, well, I noticed that four sets of trousers that were put in during the October update just plain didn't work. Nothing showed up, so I got the ol' scissors out again, and went stabbity-stab-stab until I fixed them all. Here's what you can now play with, that you couldn't before...

Trouser slot 156 has the ol' 'prison-availability' look (in seven different texture and colour variants), often popular amongst people who don't know what it actually means. Funny how these things spread... (isn't that what the big guy in Cell 15 said about your -...? No, wrong RP encounter... move along).

Oh, ok... so these are available on Trouser slot 159 and working now, four different ways. (Where are you going with this? What's he doing? And where?

Meanwhile on Trouser slot 160, these snazzy sweatpants are up for grabs - five flavours. (Still looking a bit dodgy on those undercrackers mate... pull up the frickin' drawstring or you're going to get offers!)

And finally, over on Trouser slot 162, we have these workwear jeans fixed at last... seven flavours of ruggedness and style. (Does he think he's frickin' Springsteen or something? Twat! He looks more like my aunty's builder...)
And that's it... almost...
The truly observant among you will notice that there's a gap, in the ladies Jacket tree, where 521 goes. Well, it's a secret, currently, but if you look really carefully, you might see someone rather special wearing it around town. It's not on general release, and we are still kinda testing the whole concept to see if it can be roleplayed maturely and with suitable decorum, but so far so good.
If you know what it is, and you want to explore that line of RP yourself, you'll know what to go and see those wonderful people in the NHS about when you're sick in the mornings... And if you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's cool - just stick to your fast cars and swanky guns and everything will be fine.

That really is it! What started out as a mad idea to fix a pair of broken custom trousers, ballooned (as so often is the case) into a massive dollop of creativity resulting in clothing, new ideas, new techniques, fixes, learnings, candle-burnings and yearnings - for even more.
A massive huge thanks to @Summerwho was the driving force and inspiration when I struggled with some of the tricky bits (getting the texture-weights right on those ankles was an absolute nightmare), and who just would not shut up when it came to pouring out wildly creative and left-field ideas that cunningly all needed pre-building for testing, which meant they were half-done already, so ended up going into the city. Clever tactic, girl.
Enjoy, everyone... And yes, I'm sure we will do more. Just let me get my breath back before we do it again, though, eh?

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