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Unban Appeal - Scopeology - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Appeal for Scopeology 

In-game Name: Johnny Silver

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199138120687

Ban ID: havent got one as its only my discord that's banned

Reason given for your ban: my discord got hacked

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: My Discord got hacked and was spamming some special offer rubbish

Why should we unban you ?: i have fixed the issue and made a new discord to fix the problem but still cant connect to discord :( can you unban be from discord please so i can return to the city

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Scopeology

Have you managed to recover your original Discord account, if so - have you secured it with e.g. a Two-Factor Authenticator to prevent this issue to be repeated?

Right, in that case - All you need to do is go to your Discord Settings, onto 'Authorised Apps' and connect your FiveM with the new Discord account, and you should be able to connect!
I will leave the currently attached Discord banned, as has not been secured. 

@Drex i have my new discord connected and its sill not letting me connect to RPUK discord 😞

@Drex unban my discord as the old and new one have same phone number attached 

I have secured both discords so can you please just unban it so I can get back to playing 


I understand that you are eager to play, but please refrain from messaging staff privately, or your appeal will end up being temporarily locked as a result.

I cannot simply unban your old Discord account, as it is still controlled by whatever bot network hacked it in the first place, and will likely resume sending phishing links again. 

Unless you recover the original account and preferably secure it with a Two-Factor Authenticator, it will not be unbanned.
I will however allow you to connect to our Discord with your new account, without it being considered "Ban Evading", which it otherwise would be.

Please try the following steps:

-Join our Discord with your new account.
-Verify your account within our Discord.
-Connect your new Discord account with FiveM. 


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as you can see i can not join with my new discord 

i have changed my passwords and i can say it is not controlled by whatever bot network hacked it 

i have full control of all my discords now can you please let me join the discord and unban my discords please > 



Scopeology.TTV#2607 - My new discord 

TTVScopeology#1253 - My old discord (this is the banned one )

i have full control of both and have got rid of the hacker can you please unban me

i have full control of both and have got rid of the hacker can you please unban me
Perfect! @Scopeology
To verify this, I will unban the old account, temporarily. 
Please open a ticket on Discord using "TTVScopeology#1253", and type " @Drex - Re: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/136896-unban-appeal-scopeology-gta-rp "


Once I've confirmed you're in control of your original Discord account, I'll go ahead and approve this appeal. If you do not open a ticket within 24h, the account will be assumed not in your control, and banned once more.

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Your old account has now been unbanned - please try to look after it more carefully, avoid dodgy links or logging into third-party sites that could result in your account being hijacked! 

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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