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Tribute for Captain Sir Tom Moore

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nah nothing mate
Los Santos Police
East Midlands
Brief Summary:

A mural or other tribute for Captain Sir Tom Moore

Detailed Suggestion:

Captain Sir Tom Moore was one of the high points of the height of the pandemic last year. Raising over £33 million pounds for the NHS. After a short battle with Pneumonia and COVID-19, he has sadly passed away. A legend that inspired millions to come together and raise money for those areas most in need. It is in my opinion we honour him appropriately via posters, billboards or whatever works.

The Pros:

Honour a hero of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Cons:

There are none

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


don't even see why this should need to be a suggestion to begin with smh

(plus 1 for me)

Would be nice to have a memorial something for him at Pillbox hospital

If we do the time to make a honor this guy will any people notice this and personnel have no idea who that is. 

Don't know he the normal players will know him or is just the older people and people involve in the NHS that know the name of him. 

If we do the time to make a honor this guy will any people notice this and personnel have no idea who that is. 

Don't know he the normal players will know him or is just the older people and people involve in the NHS that know the name of him. 
In the UK he has been on the news pretty much daily since the coronavirus started/since his walk.

Santo I think has found something possibly for a plaque or similar?

If we do the time to make a honor this guy will any people notice this and personnel have no idea who that is. 

Don't know he the normal players will know him or is just the older people and people involve in the NHS that know the name of him. 
Of 4318 GB adults surveyed, 3% of respondents didn't know who Captain Sir Tom Moore was. However, this rises to 8% between 18-24 year olds. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/health/survey-results/daily/2021/02/04/000ca/3

It is likely that international players won't have a clue who he was. 

I think you should push on anyway due to the community interest in honouring him.

Of 4318 GB adults surveyed, 3% of respondents didn't know who Captain Sir Tom Moore was. However, this rises to 8% between 18-24 year olds. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/health/survey-results/daily/2021/02/04/000ca/3

It is likely that international players won't have a clue who he was. 

I think you should push on anyway due to the community interest in honouring him.
i mean i personally don't know who he is, but if it's true that he raised 33 million to the NHS, i think he deserves it no matter if people from outside GB know him or not

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