Roleplay Twitch Team
Welcome to the official Roleplay Twitch Team information thread.
We have spent time building a custom system into the forums that takes full advantage of our Twitch Partnership and Twitch's latest API showcasing our community's talented streamers & entertainers on the front page and our Roleplay Twitch Team Page.
When a member of our Twitch Team is streaming either ARMA or GTA RP they will appear on the front page of this website in the Twitch Bar, which will be seen by anyone browsing the forums either from the community or visiting from search engines.
We also have the ability at random to put our Twitch Team Streamers on various screens, from small, large to cinema sized around Los Santos!
This is a unique opportunity for reaching a new audience for your Twitch Channel because our website brings in thousands of unique visitors per day. It's also great for our community because our Roleplay Twitch Team showcases our servers and our members at their RP finest, as well as providing a platform to answer questions about their streams.
You can view our current team at:
Who can Join the Roleplay Twitch Team?
We are not just looking for already popular and established streamers; we welcome people in the early days of their streaming careers! In the past members of our team have grown from nothing to gaining a new audience and some have even gone on to become Twitch Affiliates. Hopefully some may one day even become Twitch partners.
There is no limit on the amount of streamers that can join our team. If you think our community will enjoy watching you and you're keen to showcase the roleplay on our servers, then this is for you.
You will find our community is very welcoming and even supports our streamers by subscribing, gifting Bits and even donating.
How to Apply
It is a simple process: reply to this thread using the following template and we will reply here once we have reviewed your stream.
Twitch Link:
Stream Schedule:
Games Streamed:
Link to a previous stream:
Why do you want to join the team:
What is unique about your stream:
Twitch Team Rules
Nothing too taxing on your creativity! Just a general bit of house keeping to ensure we have a clean set of streamers.
The following will get you removed from our Twitch Team:
- Racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination
- Breaking any of our rules purposely or breaking any of Twitch's Terms of Service
- Streaming ARMA3 or GTA roleplay happening on non-RPUK servers
- Failing to stream for 3 consecutive months or more without getting in touch with us to discuss your absence
We reserve the right to remove anyone, at any time, temporarily or permanently at our sole discretion.
Our Team Schedule*
Monday: @CMO Phoenix 6pm - 10pm
Tuesday: @CMO Phoenix 4pm - 8pm
Thursday: @CMO Phoenix 6pm - 10pm
Friday: @CMO Phoenix 4pm - 8pm
*We will try and keep this updated as best we can but please check individuals' personal Twitch Schedules and social media accounts as these times and days are subject to change. The streamer may also be streaming on other days.
All times are GMT
Thank you for reading and we hope you will enjoy watching the RPUK Community's great Roleplay Twitch Team Streamers!
UPDATE 23/May/2022:
We've just updated the Roleplay Twitch Team and have added a couple of new faces. Pop along and support them if you're up for some fun! We're still open to applications; if you think you have what it takes to be a top-grade RP streamer and part of our illustrious team, what are you waiting for? Get in touch! Pronto!

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