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Your life christmas


Community Banned
On a roof in Kavala
I was going to label this thread 'your real life Christmas', but I remembered altis is life, altis is love.

I want to know what all of you are doing this year, are you visiting the dreaded in laws, getting shit faced in a lonely spit and saw dust bar or simply spending your hard earned pound/dollar/krypto on your kids and significant other.

For me, I'm heading back to the land of dragons, hairy women and half decent ale. Also known as Wales. Yes, @puppy1004 I'll bring you back a Dragon egg just so you can wear a dress and call yourself khaleesi.

Me and my partner are heading back to my home for a traditional Christmas with my family, as dreading it as I am, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss home.

That being said, the closer I get to the UK, the further I get from ALUK.

See you in a two weeks, you beautiful people.

Yes, sweet.

I am just staying home playing Altislife.co.uk and. Opening gifts :)

Like a lonely knight with a broken armor, i shall defend the streets of Altis probably alone during the hours of christmas.

As a man born in long forgotten traditions, the days of christmas are not celebrated by my family. 

As such, my gift will be defending our homes from the hordes of hobos.

By my side is the faith towards my peaches, i will suceed :)

Like a lonely knight with a broken armor, i shall defend the streets of Altis probably alone during the hours of christmas.

As a man born in long forgotten traditions, the days of christmas are not celebrated by my family.

As such, my gift will be defending our homes from the hordes of hobos.

By my side is the faith towards my peaches, i will suceed :)
I can only envision a silent kavala and you speeding your boat around like no man's business doing doughnuts and shit.

I have done the opposite of Kris and escaped from the lands of Dragons and feudal lords (seriously I had to ask permission to cross a bridge built over the Lord of Beaufort's land-or rather the council did, to even leave my town) charged across the county on a giant metallic horse known as a "national express" to reach a harbor for these demonic flying packmules known endearingly as a "bloody pain in the arse" to the people of West Londinium.
I am now spending the entire holiday period and more in the Hunnic lands known as Cologne, which is much colder but no less rainy than back in the deep darks.

Sadly my PC does not like to travel so all escape the internet can offer is found on a 4 year old notebook laptop that was bad when I bought it. 
Koelsch helps the withdrawal symptoms, a lot of Koelsch.

I am planning to spend the day with my family, since I rarely get to see half of them and when it gets to the night as a UK tradition go out with my GF and mates and get completely shitfaced. I wouldn't ant to break the Gainsborough tradition would I :p

I have done the opposite of Kris and escaped from the lands of Dragons and feudal lords (seriously I had to ask permission to cross a bridge built over the Lord of Beaufort's land-or rather the council did, to even leave my town) charged across the county on a giant metallic horse known as a "national express" to reach a harbor for these demonic flying packmules known endearingly as a "bloody pain in the arse" to the people of West Londinium.

I am now spending the entire holiday period and more in the Hunnic lands known as Cologne, which is much colder but no less rainy than back in the deep darks.

Sadly my PC does not like to travel so all escape the internet can offer is found on a 4 year old notebook laptop that was bad when I bought it.

Koelsch helps the withdrawal symptoms, a lot of Koelsch.
You will not regret Cologne my friend! If you get the chance, try get a foot hold in Dusseldorf as well, fantastic place, great beers, great food.

I've just got off my flying horse and onto a National Depress coach. This is going to be a long, long day.

You will not regret Cologne my friend! If you get the chance, try get a foot hold in Dusseldorf as well, fantastic place, great beers, great food.

I've just got off my flying horse and onto a National Depress coach. This is going to be a long, long day.
Ah yes i've lived here for 6 years before returning a few years ago to deep darks of South Wales.

My family still live out here, hence the return for the holidays.

3 kids and the wife for a Christmas at home. Also a bam on computers for the main days over the holiday period.

Can't complain though, should be a lovely Xmas

Home with my family for christmas, then off to my Aunt's 60th birthday party XD

3 kids and the wife for a Christmas at home. Also a bam on computers for the main days over the holiday period.

Can't complain though, should be a lovely Xmas

Grans for breakfast, moms for lunch, mates family for dinner, crash at his play some ps4, back home play altis back to work at 5am the 27th..bah hum bug

Betweem the parents for brunch and the inlaws for dinner its typically a day at the beach catching the typical big surf.


Grans for breakfast, moms for lunch, mates family for dinner, crash at his play some ps4, back home play altis back to work at 5am the 27th..bah hum bug
Oh great, I'll see you for breakfast then!