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Would you stop lying ? that be great. (Denied)

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Well-known member
You banned me. I made a unban request...

I was told that i am now getting unbanned... But. For some reason kris, whom im guessing has a problem with me (If you have, come tell me instead of acting childish, this is a mature community, own words.) told me that unban request was lowest priority and therefore said i would have to wait untill it got my turn. My application is older than MANY of the unbanned peoples request lately.

There goes the ''Lowest priority'', so please. What is your problem ? Come straight forward with it.

This is how your unban request goes back to the bottom of the pile, mate...

Just be patient, they'll get round to it eventually. Another few days isn't going to kill you...

I'd love to you tell you I have a problem with you, I really would - unfortunately I've forgotten who you are, you've simply put yourself in this position, the more you enquire about becoming unbanned, the longer it takes. It's a simple cycle to which many feel is unfair, to which many have ignored the entire 'unbans are our lowest priority', it's a result of people like yourself bumping their threads over others and making new threads.

I'd love to you tell you I have a problem with you, I really would - unfortunately I've forgotten who you are, you've simply put yourself in this position, the more you enquire about becoming unbanned, the longer it takes. It's a simple cycle to which many feel is unfair, to which many have ignored the entire 'unbans are our lowest priority', it's a result of people like yourself bumping their threads over others and making new threads.
that is a lie. My first ban request took longer than any other players request. Im just going to ignore everything you just said and wait.

Your attitude throughout all of this has been nothing but arrogant and I think you have some kind of superiority complex. 

Unban requests ARE the lowest priority and just because you have been approved for an unban does not mean that Wilco has had the time or even inclination to process your unban.

I am pushing towards declining your unban request all together now and have asked the other admins what they think about your attitude.

Decision made.


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