Why whenever i go near an interaction menu place like a car it lets me close the menu but it opens up instantly so i have to hold esc and s to get away from the car any fixes because this has gotton me robbed 4times and i cant speak so they kill me
But why can't you speak while having a interaction menu open? You must be able to still speak, unless it is your Inventory that opens up when you press Y. Maybe try to Verify the integrity of your game files in Steam,HERE is a tutorial on how to do that. This mostly fixes a lot. If this does not help, you should provide more information by showing the problem with screenshots and post a new topic about it in the 'Report a bug' subforum.
I would unbind all binds and reset them to normal, could be something on you using the wrong key, try reset your PC fully, backup personal folders, and reinstall EVERYTHING that is how I fixed my issue with changing player names as it was unfixable at the time, first research it online and see if anyone has the issue restarts should be a last resort.