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Will I Ever complete....


Will I ever get to complete a oil or salt run?

So today started with me doing an oil run, in my truck boxer, I then notice an off road following me in the distance,  i hit the turbo and led them on a goose chase, at times I was confident on losing them through the tree's. 

Then I decide i would head uphill (big mistake?), the off road caught up so I headed back down the hill to gain speed and i crash badly and the 2 guys kill me as I was too scared to get out the truck.

I then decide to get an off road to do a run as i will stand a chance of getting away and also grab myself a gun.

I meet a guy in the middle of nowhere with a broke truck, he shouts me down so I show him him to fix the tyres on the truck.

We end up bumping into eachother and decide to try an oil run together, it's pitch black out and i am driving behind him with no lights and crash again.

We decide to head off in his truck and he gets DC so i head there by myself. 

Driving past the airfield and there are cars on the side of the road, one of them was a police car so I slow down and not look suspicious, even though I wasn't doing anything wrong. They pull their assault rifles out and pop loads at me while I speed off, having a police car they catch me pretty quickly. 

Again my truck tyres burst when we try to ram eachother, i get out and shoot my pistol at the car as they drive towards me. I freak out while I'm trying to reload and the get out and end me.

I call for a medic who is 7000k away so I chill there for a bit, medic arrives in a nice helicopter and revives me, he even gives me his hat to make me feel better after my sob story. 

He then drops me into a nearby town where I head to centre of the town and see two officers, one police woman asked if I had seen anything suspicious around the area. I then tell her how my day has gone and she feels quite sorry for me, tells me to follow her to the ATM,.

She asks how much I got robbed. I said 20k and she then hands me 250k.me being the honest guy I told her she paid me too much, she said that was intended.  

Enjoyed that even if I didn't complete any runs and lost a few k. Big up the ALTIS police and nhs. 

Hey Man, I feel your pain :)

Your best bet is to get a nice group together. Did a semi successful Salt run today - But Esqy Luck prevailed and stuff still went wrong (There were 7 of us).

There will be a post soon enough to entertain my fans!
