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Wilco, your ban reason was invalid.

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if that is what you saw happend then its a mayor fucking desync as i did not do it.

i feel its pointless to discuss further with you as you clearly believe that is what you have seen.

im telling you its not what happend. anyway i dont even care anymore.

clearly your not reasonable or can be reasoned with. im the adult here and you are the kid who got robbed of his lolypop in my eyes. what you say goes. you got the power and it went to your head.

goodluck with your server it has great ppl on it. believe what you want though. i know the truth and i did no such thing.

just do me and yourself a favor.. check with the cops involved how they feel and see if you made the right choice.

oh.. this is the only place i can put this as you lock the topics leaving discussion out of the question.

im guessing a forum ban is your next move so ill be ready for that aswell. knowing you a bit better now im pretty sure is whats going to happen.

shame realy.

If you find it pointless, please kindly stop posting useless threads on the forum.

We don't need immature drama on this community, you was banned previously like stated and you got banned again, that's the end of the line for you.

I sat there and watched you, Desync ? no... desync doesnt cause beeping of horns

You was 100% trolling the police in an ifrit... same old boring gameplay, If you think thats roleplay then you need to go away and rethink.

This is general discussion and not a place to discuss bans!

Knowing me a bit better ? You know nothing about me

the point here is that you can get banned aswell.  thats what im trying to warn ppl for. there is no fair system. whenever wilco feels like something isn't going as he wants he bans away. next itme you pick a peach ask yourself this question... is wilco looking and does he hate peaches today? ok thats immature.. but it states my point 100%

clearly you do not know me either or you would have not believed it even if 10 ppl told you this happend!

id like to see a video of me doing that! is it allot of trouble to upload what you think you saw?

and for the record! i admit horning and driving!

i say i DID NOT however crashed myself in the car at any point! i did not even touch them. i would never do that.

if you want i can come on TS and we can have a chat. or not i realy don't care. the only reason i keep going at it is because of that fact you say i crashed into the cop car and i did not do that ever.

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Ban him from the site his posts are just trolling you......

Ban him from the site his posts are just trolling you......
Pretty much this all over.
It's either a forum ban (he doesn't need a account if he can't access the servers) or a in-game solution. He won't stop till most likely one of those conditions are met, Wilco.

Well i made a decision, it was fair to the rest of the community

This guy was trolling... he got banned plain and simple, Its not unfair and no one else will have any concerns for trolling on a serious roleplay server.

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a serious rollplay server could expect a serious ban policy. your ban policy is to simple. you act solo on what you think it right without getting intel from the other party's. things are not always what they seem even if you think they are. right now you are playing judge dredd. your the law and whatever you say goes. this system is flawed.

once again. im not asking for unban just that you take your head out of the sand and realize that what i say has a point. your system is flawed. anyone posting that i am trolling will think back when they find themself in a situation where they are banned without being allowed their side of the story cause you are 100% right not taking into account many factors.

like i said. not asking for unban. just fairness for the comunity playing on this server. they spent time and effort in this game and nobody deserves to be banned like you banned me based your your judgement without atleast talking to either the police or me before banning.

this is my last post. i will not spoil more forum space. just think about what i said and do something usefull with it.

Please dont think you are speaking for all of us. The moment I read "constant beeping" I knew this could NOT have been fun for the officers. You know how many times a day we get people thinking its sooo fuuun for us to listen to them beeping and trying to lead us on a pointless chase?

NO OFFICER FINDS THIS FUN. Sure we can enjoy a car chase when its justified, but not like that. 

My system is fine thanks and it has worked solid for 10 months now and the wider community has never had a problem with it.

You was trolling you got caught out... end of matter

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I finally have a use for this gif!


hats what im trying to warn ppl for. there is no fair system. whenever wilco feels like something isn't going as he wants he bans away. 
Rule 3: The General Rules
3A) Do not troll, running around the cops in circles, jumping off buildings without a RP reason, bombarding the police messaging system or the Medic system over and over is considered trolling. This is worthy of a ban.
You clearly broke this rule, and anyone would of banned you for this. Especially beeping the horn...
and for the record! i admit horning and driving!
So, even if you did not actually hit them. You still are worthy of a ban.
Case Closed (Title edited...)
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