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Wilco is working!

Booker Dewitt

Community Veteran


well done btw.

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I have used the hammer where i have clear evidence of people breaking the rules :)

Nice picture btw what a fine looking man

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This isn't having a "bash" at you Wilco. I just feel like the "clear evidence" you had that you banned me for wasn't the full extent of the situation. It was a genuine mistake.

Unban forums are really lenient if you don't have a previous ban. If you think that you 100% did not do wrong then fight your side. Else you can admit to it if you think you did wrong and you will be unbanned on a second chance.

But why porkie :(

Give chances :(
We do give chances.... thats what the unban appeal process is about ?

I am sensing a lack of understanding about the rules in syndicate and a lack of understanding on how our ban/unban process works here.

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