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Why this war?

Mercenary Thresh

Well-known member
Lund, Scania, Sweden.
Okay so I've got a few questions. 
Why is there such of a flame war between AMD and Intel? 

Now, I'm very much aware of the fact that Intel actually IS better, but on the other hand the pricetag is twice as much if not more. 
I paid about 100 pounds for my CPU. 
It's a 6 core AMD CPU, and yes.. It's a 3 physical core CPU with double threads which KIND OF makes it a 6 core CPU. 
Now, my point is that with my OC 6 (3) core CPU, I get enough power to do WHATEVER I want with my PC. 
With the insane ammount of cooling I have (Corsair 300R case with 4 Corsair AF140 fans sucking air in and 2 Corsair AF140 fans and 1 Corsair SP120 sucking air out) my CPU never goes above 60 degrees C.. 
Not while playing ULTRA MODDED Skyrim, not when playing Arma III, not when playing Dead Space 2, not when playing 5 World of Warcraft at the same time... (Used to Multibox some time ago)..

I'm not trying to "brag" about it or anything, I'm simply trying to ask why there's such of a flame war between Intel and AMD.. 
As said.. Yes, Intel is better overall.. But.. AMD still gets the job done pretty fuckin' well... 


Xbox vs playstation

Apple vs android

Petrol vs diesel

Manchester United vs Manchester City

I could go on and on, there are always rivalries wherever you go. At the end of the day it's down to a persons personal preference and they will defend their choice when someone questions their choices. To summarise 'it's just a bit of banter'.

Personally I recognise that Intel is better, but i use amd as I believe you get much better value for what your buying.

I don't mind people recommding Intel, just only when they don't think about the budget. People would rather buy a slower Intel for more money than a faster cheaper amd chip. Madness....

Personally I recognise that Intel is better, but i use amd as I believe you get much better value for what your buying.

I don't mind people recommding Intel, just only when they don't think about the budget. People would rather buy a slower Intel for more money than a faster cheaper amd chip. Madness....
Intel are mostly better in the "upper market" 300+ or 250+#

PS: a wider range anyway

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i looked deeply into this, it all depends what your looking for 

i looked for bang for buck, and thats what i got, a reasonable priced pc that can run pretty much everything @ high/ultra, i will next be looking for higer end for future proofing things so all depends 

I heard if your looking to stream/youtube amd does a better job
Kind of true, but yet not. 

As I've understood it, Intel is FAR better than AMD when it comes to rendering. 

However, AMD is better when it comes to pure pressure on the CPU itself. 

So, if you're doing a LOT of video editing or if Minecraft had INSANE graphics, then Intel would be the choise. 

Meanwhile when it's all about having a powerful CPU, AMD is the better pick. 

And ofcourse, I'm talking about the general CPU's and not CPU's like the Intel Xeon.. Intel Xeon is CPU's made for servers like Blizzards World of Warcraft servers.. Not a gaming rig.. 

To give you a TL;DR answer. 

Streaming -> AMD (I think? Think Streaming requires more of straight pressure than rendering)

YouTube -> Intel (Due to a lot of video editing, aka lots of rendering)

Gaming -> AMD & Intel. Both will get the job done, no problem.

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Lots of bizarre misinformation in this thread.

If you want the best, hands down at any given task, you buy a top of line Intel (not a Xeon either). *ALL* of the benchmarks will support this, there are no scenarios whatsoever in which a top of the line AMD cpu will beat a top of the line Intel anymore and frankly, I don't think there will ever be a competitive AMD again. For the reason behind that you only need look at the R&D spend from Intel vs AMD, Intel spend 10 times that of AMD, year on year and a large chunk of AMD's R&D goes on their GPU products.

Have a look here: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/39

On the left hand side pick a benchmark topic and then a specific benchmark. Intel cpus will beat out AMD every single time.

It doesn't matter what workflow/task you have, in any given one an Intel is the superior choice - if you have the cash.

GET IT RIGHT UP YEEEE AMD! (sorry, someone had to).


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Lots of bizarre misinformation in this thread.

Intel is the superior choice - if you have the cash.
That is exactly what I said, but amd is much better value for power, to get an Intel that performs the same or slightly higher your paying a big premium. If you have a limited budget amd will get you further than Intel. If you got some cash to throw round, yes go Intel.

Would hardly call that bizarre advice

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Lots of bizarre misinformation in this thread.

If you want the best, hands down at any given task, you buy a top of line Intel (not a Xeon either). *ALL* of the benchmarks will support this, there are no scenarios whatsoever in which a top of the line AMD cpu will beat a top of the line Intel anymore and frankly, I don't think there will ever be a competitive AMD again. For the reason behind that you only need look at the R&D spend from Intel vs AMD, Intel spend 10 times that of AMD, year on year and a large chunk of AMD's R&D goes on their GPU products.

Have a look here: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/39

On the left hand side pick a benchmark topic and then a specific benchmark. Intel cpus will beat out AMD every single time.

It doesn't matter what workflow/task you have, in any given one an Intel is the superior choice - if you have the cash.
If you have a unlimited ammount of money, yes. 

I'm talking what you get per let's say £ 100. 

If you take the output and compare it with the price tag, AMD does take the lead sometimes. 

But yeah, as I said in the OP, Intel is overall better but also has the larger pricetag. 

A lot of people support AMD due to the fact that they are currently losing the manufacturer wars, and a lot of this is down to Intel pulling some really dirty shit to get ahead. Dirty shit such as; Stopping AMD from being mass-produced and put in potential millions of IBM, HP computers, limiting these PC's to ONLY Intel, causing AMD to have to sell their main and biggest manufacturing facilities to keep a float. There is a lot of other shit which Intel has done in the past, but that is the freshest memory that comes to mind.

AMD are losing marketshare because they've made some piss poor business decisions (selling off their own fabs, buying ATI) but mainly because instead of increasing R&D expenditure they've actually cut it. nVidia now spend more than AMD do and Intel spends 10 times more.

If your only products are basically nanotechnology, then cutting R&D spending is the equivalent of sounding the death knell on your business. That's the reason why AMD cpus are now TWO fabrication nodes behind Intel and it's only going to get worse over time. There is a reason why you see fuck all AMD powered laptops, it's because the fab tech they use can't compete with Intels - Intels cpus run cooler and use less power for a given performance rating and in laptops and mobile devices that's fucking critical. The fact that mobile devices are among the biggest growth markets is again just another fuck up for AMD.

You have to remember that businesses don't buy AMD either, when I spec a machine for a client to run very demanding enterprise level software there isn't even an AMD option. It's all Intel, this isn't because of some conspiracy, it's because AMDs options suck. Their W/ipc ratio is fucking terrible and on top of that there is the simple fact that the more powerful a cpu is, the quicker it'll finish it's current task and go back to its idle state (and to businesses, that power usage means a lot). As you can see above Intel dominate in terms of pure performance so AMD loses again. And all of these losses to Intel just hit them in the profits department making R&D that much harder.

I honestly can't see how AMD will survive the next 10 years.

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Pretty sure most of the £200 office computers from PC World are AMD that's how they will survive they have the lower end of the market.

This won't save them long term as the margins are poor at that end of the market, with Intel having sewn up the performance end of the market it's easy for them to develop a product that will compete with AMDs low end offerings in both performance and price, it's inevitable.

I love a good under dog and without AMD I don't know what Intel will do. But as it stands there is no way you will see an AMD resurgence like in previous years, they simply don't have the capital to develop that kind of product anymore.

Remember Cyrix? Probably not. In 10 years time it'll be AMDs turn.

This won't save them long term as the margins are poor at that end of the market, with Intel having sewn up the performance end of the market it's easy for them to develop a product that will compete with AMDs low end offerings in both performance and price, it's inevitable.

I love a good under dog and without AMD I don't know what Intel will do. But as it stands there is no way you will see an AMD resurgence like in previous years, they simply don't have the capital to develop that kind of product anymore.

Remember Cyrix? Probably not. In 10 years time it'll be AMDs turn.
Without AMD intel will up the prices on every product they currently have and cut the quality, what's the point trying if you don't have any competition.

Without AMD intel will up the prices on every product they currently have and cut the quality, what's the point trying if you don't have any competition.
Nah, they can't. 

If they start to increase the price it will go out of hand, and if they cut down on the quality.. 

Nah.. Some rich person will start a new company and start competition. 

I would. 

I have the AMD 760k 4.2ghz quad which is essentially the same as the APU FM2 chips minus the APU (Cause who needs that shit anyway) I paid about 60 quid and it can handle practically everything I throw at it. Doesn't bottleneck my GPU at all or at least not that I noticed. Absolutely excellent value for money.
