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Why is server #2 down 24/7?


New member
Server #2 is rarely up and it bugs me because I can never get into #1, but its the only altis life server I like..

Anyone know why it's down, and maybe when it will come up again?

Firstly your wrong... server 2 is online every single evening and night

Server 2 only acts as a overflow to server 1... We put it online when we can see server 1 is full up and we are confident at the time of day its going to stay like that.

Today server 2 has been online for the last 25 mins ....Please check your facts before posting.

To be honest ... rekt? He did not get rekt, he just has the same problem as I do, that server is invisible even if you try remote connection, for now on I have to connect trough browser and search by name ... at as it seems not even this works now.

To be honest ... rekt? He did not get rekt, he just has the same problem as I do, that server is invisible even if you try remote connection, for now on I have to connect trough browser and search by name ... at as it seems not even this works now.
Both servers are offline. You may wish to read announcements before posting.

To be honest ... rekt? He did not get rekt, he just has the same problem as I do, that server is invisible even if you try remote connection, for now on I have to connect trough browser and search by name ... at as it seems not even this works now.
if your using an Windows 7 it got the problem with a firewall that blocks more then half of arma 3 Server 

u can just Edit the Arma luncher with Admin Access that should fix it , had same problem :)

if your using an Windows 7 it got the problem with a firewall that blocks more then half of arma 3 Server 

u can just Edit the Arma luncher with Admin Access that should fix it , had same problem :)
Yeah gonna try that, seems that everyone here dont understand, thsi problem is here more then on day or one week, also I have some problems with connecting ot servers, always dropping red chain or getting stuck in the lobby.
