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Why is 3rd person enabled?


Well-known member
3rd person, everyone uses it to corner peek during firefights. If we are going for realistic role-play then this shouldn't be able to happen. On top of this its just more immersive to play from first person, rather than watching from an invisible camera behind you. My question. why is 3rd person a thing, are there any positives to having it apart from just peoples personal preference?

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Personal preference is the main point. We aren't a realistic server, we're a roleplay server. We create player interaction and dont necessarily strive for direct realism. If more people get involved with RP because they enjoy the game third person, so be it in my opinion.

It can be a bit horrible if you get motion sickness as well! If you like first person, please do!

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I dislike the third person experience, every time this was suggested in the past the same reasons come up about it (search the forums). Seen it done before elsewhere, everyone stopped playing until it was third person enabled again. We are here to play RPUK as it is and not with first person imo.

First person gives a very narrow viewpoint in comparison to your actual eyesight (google for further details) 3rd person actually gives a more realistic view (despite seeing your character and 'peaking' etc) 

Please no, imagine the car crashes, VDM and everything else!
