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why am I banned (Denied)

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I was driving through town and there was a load of guys in the road. I couldn't stop in time they were running all over. I died from friendly fire then got admin banned! Why?

What town was you driving down...

Did you not think to slow down ?... im guessing you VDMed someone then the admin killed you so he could stop your actions while he issued a ban.

I was opposite the crowd of people you mowed down. While watching you, you bleeped your horn and swerved into them. Using your vehicle is not permitted here and for that reason I issued a ban.

Well if people wernt running all over the road then I wouldnt have to swerve and as for the beeping it was an un voluntary reaction to trying not to hit anyone

Just for your information and Wilco's, I record all bans for reasons just like this. The said group of people where standing completely still talking and role playing as people should. You approached and slow down some, you then think its fine to swerve into them, running them over.

A funny little fact, if you had possibly got out, said sorry or even typed sorry in blue side chat, I would have only issued a warning - but the fact that you swerved into them with little regard of the consequences and continued driving towards the south made me believe you cannot be mature enough to play here.

I didnt get a chance to say sorry I died thus disabling the chat and then I was kicked before even the first timer witch was very short had expired. On my screen there was people in the road. I had been role playing around that area not 5 mins ago why would I deliberately run people down their is no gain or profit to it in anyway.

So I ask again why am I banned for something that was out of my hands?

I didnt get a chance to say sorry I died thus disabling the chat and then I was kicked before even the first timer witch was very short had expired. On my screen there was people in the road. I had been role playing around that area not 5 mins ago why would I deliberately run people down their is no gain or profit to it in anyway.

So I ask again why am I banned for something that was out of my hands?
Caboobie. I witnessed you driving past Kavala car shop, where a group of people were standing outside next to the sidewalk. You slow down, beep your horn and then start driving full speed swerving into them just about missing the wall itself. You killed one person in the process at which point I realised you weren't going to stop so I deleted your vehicle (killing you in the process) and issued a ban.

Regardless where, what, who or why people are, you don't drive into them - it's a server rule that you do not use your vehicle as a weapon, this is entirely in your own hands. My suggestion, if you do want to be unbanned is to admit that you've done wrong, apologise, ensure you fully understand all of the server rules and reply back here confirming you do so with your GUID or Player ID.

No response from player. If you still want to be unbanned please link this thread an answer any questions asked.

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