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Whilst being robbed at gun point.



Yesterday me and my friend got robbed at a gun point, we were cruising in our jeep when 2 guys pulled up in front of us, got out and started to point guns at us. My friend opened fire when he got out of the car, and well he got killed. The guy who robbed me said, OHH YOUR MATE IS GETTING BANNED YO. I dont see a report anywhere, but why would he get banned in self defense? If someone who is not a cop is pointing a gun at you telling to get out of the car and its a robbery, would you not open fire if you could protect yourself? I hate people like them two, screaming that YOULL GET BANNED MATE, SAY GOODBYE TO THE SERVER. What are your opinions. 

Your friend did RDM someone if he did not make clear that your robbers were going to die, assuming that the robbers only stepped out of the car.

The robbers are also in the wrong to say: ""Oh, your mate is getting banned, yo!"

If they had pulled in front of you and you was still "cruising" you could have easily just driven off then reversed the robbery by getting behind them. Also shouting your going to get banned is a break in roleplay and threatening to report so if you have video evidence be sure to submit it on the report a player form.

personal opinion:

@puppy1004 is right though I think that the robbers pointing a gun at you whilst screaming at you could be considered as a threat to your life which should allow you to defend yourself even though your friend should have told them  "drop your guns" or something like that to make clear that they shouldnt mess with you.

Sorry but with a truck full of ingots the last thing on my mind is wondering what would be quality RP when a spastic 9 year old is waving a pistol in my face squeeking GET OUT OR I'LL SHOOT YOO.

Sorry but with a truck full of ingots the last thing on my mind is wondering what would be quality RP when a spastic 9 year old is waving a pistol in my face squeeking GET OUT OR I'LL SHOOT YOO.
Considering this is a Roleplay Server & not a Income Server,Maybe that should be the FIRST thing on your mind.

I'm fairly new  to the server  and have wondered this myself, I can see  reading through the comments  everybody has a valid point.

Me personally I would of  got   My friend to let me out the truck  next  to a wall or building and took a defencive position and rp it accordingly.

just think outside the box a little and learn from your mistakes,  well that's   What  I do anyway.
