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Which COD


Well-known member
I saw all the CODs were on sale on steam and thought I will buy one to have some shots and giggles with mates.

But what one should I buy?

Looking for a good one that's still played a lot today and got them zombies :p


Still played a lot today and has amazing mods (death run,   promod,  zombies )

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COD BO and COD BO2 were my favs


Still played a lot today and has amazing mods (death run,   promod,  zombies )

Cod 4, if you like cs then you will like promod, its basically cs on cod.

COD 4 was my favorite by a long way. 
Played a lot of that on the old 360 looking to change it up a bit for PC...

CoD 1 United Offensive,best CoD ever made
Don't think I will xd

COD BO and COD BO2 were my favs
Was thinking of these especially BO2...

My Suggestion:

1) Download Origin

2) Buy Battlefield 4


All Jokes Aside: COD MW2 Personally my Favourite!
