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When rebels get their hands on Fast Movers...

No they didn't, you can't fly over cities like that, but the guy didn't know about it, he does now ><

@Andrej if it's not in the rules you can do it :)

Just don't troll...

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The reason for it to be so goddamn unneccessary is that "Nasheeds" is the unofficial soundtracks of Islamic Extremist groups and that I found this song from a quick google search of "Terroist music" just prooves how wrong it is that this was added in the background

Although you're free to do whatever you want. sometimes think long enough that you might offend alot of people during it.

I'm not saying this is Racist.. but it's very stereotypical and stupid.

It's a play on the stereotypes that people apply to such situations. This kind of humour isn't for everyone, so if you can't appreciate the joke or act in a lighthearted manner then simply don't comment and move along.
