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When do they Unban


Hey guys when do the Admins unban poeple cuz i have waited for 3 days and i got told it only was max 2 days but Wilco havent looked at my undan request?

As you can appreciate Wilco and the rest of the admin team are extremely busy. Unban requests are the bottom of the list, and you will have to be patient. An Admin will deal with you when they are able too.

Hey guys when do the Admins unban poeple cuz i have waited for 3 days and i got told it only was max 2 days but Wilco havent looked at my undan request?
1. This is not going to get your unban request reviewed any quicker.

2. Have you by any chance been spamming an admin on team speak or the forums about it? (From my understanding of how they deal with the unban requests if you do this they put you to the bottom of the list)

3. Can you not live a few days without altis life and just be patient?
