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When dialling 999

PC Dirtmonkey

Greater Manchester,UK
This post is for all civs,

When someone texts the police it seems we seem to get a lot of messages like...

                               HELP BEING SHOT!!!!! COME QUICK?????

This does not help us help you very much as we do not know where you are or what the situation is.

What would be helpful is if you would try to give a location and a situation report.

                                                              For example

                                                   BEING SHOT AT KV SQ BY 3 

As a police officer i know by this message you are at Kavala square and you are being shot at by 3 people.Just try to help us help you, Make it clear and quick and we will be blues and twos and on the way to help thanks.  

                                    PC Dirtmonkey  :D                                                                                                                                            

It's common sense, these kind of messages will pop all the time, your partner who isn't driving can focus on messaging the particular person for further information. Usually works.

Alsowhen contacting the NHS, please provide location info.


Is ironically rather unhelpful.

Location is super useful to us

I have to admit, when I first joined I wrongfuly assumed it knew where I was. You must get a lot of messages that don't make sense, as it is hard to type it while getting shot at.

I have to admit, when I first joined I wrongfuly assumed it knew where I was. You must get a lot of messages that don't make sense, as it is hard to type it while getting shot at.
This is true it is a nightmare trying to get the messages right when you bullets flying at you but if you do have time to send a text just try to make it as helpful as you can.

To be honest most officers i have patrolled with will see a message saying HELP GETTING ROBBED IN KAVALA!!!!!...will tend to just ignore because kavala is a big town and by the time you send a message back for better intel the mugging has already finished and the crim has got away.

Would you say then that it would be better type the location first then what's happening? For example:

"West gun store, robbery"

Or a more complex one:

"North road of copper mime, heavily armed robbery, 3 people"

I tend to do the later more, short and gives the police some knowledge of what's going on and what to expect.
