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What you think?? (Robbing and stealing from Apple pickers)

Nothing against it - pretty scummy but oh well

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You can't really call yourself a rebel if you rob apple pickers.


I... have no comment on this nor any memories of this incident....

(I really don't.. i never rob nor kill em apple pickers except for bullying the shit out of them until they leave!) 

The worst offenders for robbing apple pickers are apple pickers.. They lie in wait and rob them when they're not looking. 

I would name and shame them, particularly if you have footage.

because any sensible person would see that people do apples/peaches because they have no money and are just starting out. Being robbed doing this could potentially deter you from the server.

I personally would always offer protection to hobos. So if I’m online, feel free to send me a text and I’ll come help you if I’m not occupied :)

I disagree with robbing them, but if it is a well extablished person(hemtts/Tempest devices/Both doing it) I wouldn't be bothered bye it. Me and my friend were bored af in Kavala, saw 5 or 6 tempest devices & about 4 hemtts up there, so we went up there to mess around(and steal a hemtt) but I don't see an issue as they are clearly well established.

Got robbed and killed picking apples on day one 🤓

I've seen hobos rob other hobos there, but if a rebel does it it's scummy low.

I would name and shame them, particularly if you have footage.

because any sensible person would see that people do apples/peaches because they have no money and are just starting out. Being robbed doing this could potentially deter you from the server.

I personally would always offer protection to hobos. So if I’m online, feel free to send me a text and I’ll come help you if I’m not occupied :)
Come protect me <3
