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What would you like to see on AltisLife.co.uk

1. Medics

2. Housing

3. Rain and other weather

4. Portable tents that we can carry

5. Make a fire 

the last 2 with the current abilities to hunt rabbits and go fishing will let you live in the wild and sustain yourself like a real apocalypse freak!

Weapon Classes.. That can modded server but it is gonna worth.

- Police Gears: Its inaccesible already for the civilians. These hardwares kind of professional. They are already have these so don' touch it. :D

- Rebel Gears: Revolution means AK47... Tokarev... These weapons not exist in the game but it can be a mod somewhere. Bixi LMG and SVD Dragunov needs to be add this server.

- Paramilitary/Ex-Military/Merc Gears: Waow. Stormy.. According to RP, Paramilitary clans can be access these weapons and these are have to most expensive hardware in the game.

- Hunter Gears: Lets form a Hunters Club. Hunting rifles, snares and traps can be good. Also people can gain their money with hunting in green zone. If somebody buy Hunter License he can access the these weapons. Specific hunting materials can be sell with good money. Shooting the hunters in green zone? Ban hammer falls...

- Pistols: Less pistol.. Lets make it a huge list for it!

Bonus: We can make a good economy system. The auction system. I don't have any idea for it but I will write couple of next house about that.


Weapon Classes.. That can modded server but it is gonna worth.

- Police Gears: Its inaccesible already for the civilians. These hardwares kind of professional. They are already have these so don' touch it. :D

- Rebel Gears: Revolution means AK47... Tokarev... These weapons not exist in the game but it can be a mod somewhere. Bixi LMG and SVD Dragunov needs to be add this server.

- Paramilitary/Ex-Military/Merc Gears: Waow. Stormy.. According to RP, Paramilitary clans can be access these weapons and these are have to most expensive hardware in the game.

- Hunter Gears: Lets form a Hunters Club. Hunting rifles, snares and traps can be good. Also people can gain their money with hunting in green zone. If somebody buy Hunter License he can access the these weapons. Specific hunting materials can be sell with good money. Shooting the hunters in green zone? Ban hammer falls...

- Pistols: Less pistol.. Lets make it a huge list for it!

Bonus: We can make a good economy system. The auction system. I don't have any idea for it but I will write couple of next house about that.

MODS won't happen.

Still waiting for mine. :D
I can rank people up to SGT, but can't add ranks to anyone who's not already flagged with a cop rank. Which is a little troublesome.

And my list of requests, would simply be more tools for police to do their job. Some examples:

Automated Spike Strips at various points on the Highway, and near Athira, Kavala and the Airfield.

This could be trigger by a laptop at any(?) Police HQ, and would spawn spikes, or drop them/lower them etc. 

Better tools to combat helicopters. There is very little we can do to someone who is in a chopper, hovering/flying over green zones etc. Sure we can shoot them, but I hate opening fire in case I hurt someone. It also can allow retaliation. Personally, I'd like a SAM Site at each green zone that will fire a weak missle at helicopters that remain in the green zone longer than 5 seconds. 

HM Scrubs - far to easy to escape. Put a roof over it until the hacking idea is implemented. People escape then relog to clear bounties. Maybe a SAM Site. 

Better scopes for lower ranking officers. And give the MXC to PC, MX to SPC and SGT, and either keep the MX for CI/DI or a 7.62 weapon. Then if they want the SMG's they can take them, but wont be constantly out ranged by rebels with powerful scopes and long range weapons. 

Loundspeaker/Megaphone for vehicles - then we can use direct chat to talk to people without exiting the car and being vulnerable.. 

Also please don't add snipers for rebels. Their is enough RDM as it is. And imagine entering the red zone with half of the rebels camped in a bush with a SVD. Or near the traders etc.

mod compatibility for JSRS and blastcore A3, JSRS is a great sound mod and blastcore A3 is a mod that makes explosions so cool and nice.

These mods don't give you any advantage, they only enhance the players enjoyment :D

I would like to be able to buy repair kits from petrol stations & maybe food and water.

Also please don't add snipers for rebels. Their is enough RDM as it is. And imagine entering the red zone with half of the rebels camped in a bush with a SVD. Or near the traders etc.
I see, when you started the operations on red zone, our number not important when you carry you fancy rifles on your shoulder. OH! No no sir its the MIGHTY TAZER!!! Actually, you don't need any weapon when you carry this hardware.. By the way I'm addicted to the taze.. WE NEED SNIPERS.. Especially I ordered one of .50cal calliber.. But the shipmment company said "we dont have a destination to Altis".. Sgh..

-A rebel hospital! (BUT EXPENSIVE)

-Mushrooms (Illegal and Legal)

-Car radio (maybe could be synced to actual radio stations like euro truck)

-Novelty Horns (Just to annoy people)

-Rebel Fortunes (Similar To Family Fortunes)

-King/Queen/Mayor. Each month someone gets to be the king etc. It could maybe be the highest donator or randomly selected. They get security and treated like royalty and access to a special vehicle like the stryder or Tempest.

-Suicide Vests (I seen a hacker use it on someone once on the server) It would need to be controlled i.e. Admin permission + Expensive.

-More colours to vehicles (Spray Paint Shop)

-Lumberjack Job (Clothes Optional)

-Sell cannabis (unprocessed Marijuana) to the NHS hospital for a small fee.

-Bus Driver (Tour Bus also)

-Mechanic (Also, could assist police)

-Spawn Beacon Tent.

-Move Gravia garage into the green zone of Athira (The amount of money spent on quads...[Nuisance for police having to impound them]) Also add garage at the airfield so when you park your helicopter you dont need to run to Athira.

-Option to process Apples into Cider.

-Funeral Expenses

-When Police Taze a car it should immobilize it and lock the door (Key owner can't unlock) for 30 seconds. So the police have time to pull them out and restrain. 

Essay over :)

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I see, when you started the operations on red zone, our number not important when you carry you fancy rifles on your shoulder. OH! No no sir its the MIGHTY TAZER!!! Actually, you don't need any weapon when you carry this hardware.. By the way I'm addicted to the taze.. WE NEED SNIPERS.. Especially I ordered one of .50cal calliber.. But the shipmment company said "we dont have a destination to Altis".. Sgh..
while tasers are indeed powerful in CQB, they're strength is a two-edged sword. If you can't follow up with an arrest, it's useless.

The ability to hide your gang numbers in the gang list would be handy. Also password protected gangs if possible.

Morfin processing

Sold at hospital = legal

Sold at drugdealer= illegal

That should get the RP going :D

Player housing, more ways to earn big money legally so people arnt forced to be illegal to get the big dosh.

Less Desync...

Police cars that can actually hit a fence or lamp post without blowing up..

Verchcles that actually make sense when being shot, if your fuel tank gets shot it blows up, this does not happen IRL, its unrealstic.

After playing watch dogs, I was thinking a fixer type person someone who can make your name disappear off the wanted list, deep in the redzone pygos maybe you talk to him and for like twenty percent of the cost of your fines it could all go away.

Then add onto that he could work like a drug dealer if a police officer is daring enough to get there and ask him questions we could get them back on the wanted list with an extra charge of perverting the course of justice.

If this was the case I'd go so far to say as put a timer on it like the bank robbery an officer has to stand there for between 3-8 minutes 'talking' to the guy and a server message like when the bank is being robbed could go out informing everyone that the 'fixer' will soon give into police questioning.

After playing watch dogs, I was thinking a fixer type person someone who can make your name disappear off the wanted list, deep in the redzone pygos maybe you talk to him and for like twenty percent of the cost of your fines it could all go away.

Then add onto that he could work like a drug dealer if a police officer is daring enough to get there and ask him questions we could get them back on the wanted list with an extra charge of perverting the course of justice.

If this was the case I'd go so far to say as put a timer on it like the bank robbery an officer has to stand there for between 3-8 minutes 'talking' to the guy and a server message like when the bank is being robbed could go out informing everyone that the 'fixer' will soon give into police questioning.
Nice idea. Gives cops more reason to push into the danger zone which in turn gives rebels more hostage opportunities. :)

Edit send text message to: Police With Coords, Police Without Coords, Admin, Send.

Or just all the 911 calls include coords? If kidnappers wanna text police they can do it manually and find a CI/DI to send it to.

mapGridPosition (getpos player)

^ looks easy enough :p

Or maby 

if(coords <=>||&& lots of shit) 

send to kavala units

if(coords <=>||&& lots of shit) 

send to Athira units

if(coords <=>||&& lots of shit) 

send to Neochori units

Pat get all the msgs :p

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