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what video recorder is best to use in server


Active member

what video recorder is best to use in the game?
something you can turn on and off.
it is only for youtube can upload movies?
I do not use it.

Shadowplay if you have a GTX 650 or higher Nvidia card (when it's working and battle eye doesnt keep closing it every update)

Some say OBS but personally I could never get good settings for recording only streaming, Some say MSI afterburner but again I found the quality not so good.

DXtory if it still works with Arma, I know a Battle eye update on Dayz classed it as a potential hack and blocked it not sure if it's the same for Arma as I haven't used it for awhile.

Fraps if you've plenty of spare Hard drives you don't mind filling.

There's plenty of free alternatives to spewtube, just search for free video hosting and find one that suites your needs, personally I use zippcast as it allows decent file size and does not effect quality.

I use Action! for recording.

Then i also have Plays.TV for shadow play. (Part of AMD Gaming Evolved)

Nvidia shadowplay works marvels for me, the file quality is surprisingly good for the end file size. 11 mins of footage results in about 3.8 GB at 1080p 60fps

I use to use obs in the past, there are ways to get high quality recording with a few tweaks.

Fraps, as said about uses a massive amount of file size, I used it a few years, but shadowplay is the one I'd recommend.

A lot of it is down to how your pc can handle these applications.

OBS on the highest settings/tweakings gives good quality videos but I down scale the resolution to 2.0 just for reports/comp requests. I have pretty much every single second on my time on arma recorded and never delete it, 500+ hours of footage only takes up 182gb if HDD space and they render/upload reallly quickly :)
