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What do I do? :(


Active member
So I really want this house....but there's no way of finding out who the owner is. I asked staff and they told me to get the cops to help me. Cops refused to help me because they said it's not public information even after I said they could ask the guy if it's okay for me to have it so I can send him an offer. One officer tried to help but got yelled at by another one. So I go back to staff and one says "sorry I'm not a estate agent" then tells me to sit outside the guys house and wait for him to come home...........it would not be this difficult to find out who owns a home in real life I don't understand why it's so hard :(((( I really want it.

Hello @matbreeze101,

From the way I see it you have two options:

  1. Go to the house in game > Screenshot the map location and the house > Create a post of the forums asking who owns the house. However, this might not work as the player might not see the post.
  2. You could try roleplaying it to the police instead of straight up asking them! Possibly roleplay as an estate agent attempting to find the owner so you can give him an offer. If you roleplay with police they are more likely to do tasks/favours for you, trust me!
Good Luck Matt!

-Jack Shepherd.

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Nope they won't. That's exactly what I said. I said "I really want to buy this house, now I know you can't give me his name but what if you ask the guy first if I can have it so I can send him an offer for the house" and they responded saying the same thing staff said "we aren't estate agents were not going to go there just to get a name for you". 

And about the posting it's location thing, I don't want people to know exactly where it is. I have a lot of enemy's that would love to know where I base to raid me. The house is very secure as well. The chances of the owner seeing it are slim to none.

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Nope they won't. That's exactly what I said. I said "I really want to buy this house, now I know you can't give me his name but what if you ask the guy first if I can have it so I can send him an offer for the house" and they responded saying the same thing staff said "we aren't estate agents were not going to go there just to get a name for you". 

And about the posting it's location thing, I don't want people to know exactly where it is. I have a lot of enemy's that would love to know where I base to raid me. The house is very secure as well. The chances of the owner seeing it are slim to none.
Try roleplaying you are a technician maybe, like go to the cops and say someone ordered you to come to their house. And you are unsure if it's that house. So ask the cops if they can tell you who the owner is as you need it to fix their tv that's inside of the house. 

Or you can roleplay as you borrowed your friend's key to his house so you could put them under the flowers. But he didn't tell you wich house it was he just said house by (say something that is close to the house). So you need to be sure that it is his house you don't deliver the keys to wrong person.

You have a lot of opportunities :)

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Yeah maybe that would work if it wasnt 10km from kavala. Thats the main reason I think they dont want to help...because of how far it is.
