I'm for staying in. The EU might cost us money, but it has brought actual peace, redevelopment funding, and more to Northern Ireland. Seeing as we share the UKs only land border with the EU, i'm very much inclined for staying. Every time i hear the various arguments from politicians on leave/remain none of them ever say anything proper instead of "oh that's nonsense. Nothing will change" etc. etc. You can't say for sure nothing will change. As an island nation, i think the last thing we need to do is erect barriers and restrictions to trade and the free market.
NI also has a massive manufacturing and agricultural sector. They'll be hurt most by the loss of EU CAP payments for the farmers, and the ease of export for manufacturing sector. I know politicians say "oh but with the money we pay to the EU, we can pay to everyone who has a loss!" but i just dont have faith that'll happen. I feel like there hasnt been enough thought put into the bigger picture. This whole referendum feels prompted by current events like the migrant crisis etc. and i dont feel it takes into account how people of my age (25) who are now leaving uni and going out into the world, are going to be effected.
Thankfully though, i qualify for dual citizenship so I finally have a use for my 'Irish' nationality if i want to travel in the EU.
However, these are jsut my personal feelings and i dont claim to have a fully developed political view of it.