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Weapons, Vehicles - My thoughts!

SGT Mitchell

Well-known member
Police Weaponry and Vehicles currently
The aim of this post is not to de-fun the game or anything for anyone, but merely point out issues with the new things added from my personal perspective! Hopefully we can keep it civil, constructive and make this game even more fun for everyone <3. Please please note these are only my opinions, they may be wrong and you may completely disagree or hate me for my opinions...but they're only my opinions!​
Scopes and Silencer's

So, leaving the snipers that are authorized for red zone only out of the equation, rebels have some crazy shit right now.

By crazy shit, I don't mean calibre of weapons or anything like that. What I mean is thermal scopes and silencers for all of these weapons, in terms of game play thermal scopes and silencers are becoming a balance issue in my personal opinion and experience so far with this update. The weapons are absolutely fine,  the attachments are the issue.

As police, now when we enter a bank robbery we are now faced with at least 2 or 3 snipers with silenced MK18'sand thermal scopes. (Or some variant)  We pretty much have no idea where these shots are coming from, as they are silenced there's no sound bearing to get a rough positioning from (North, East, South or West) and on top of that they can track us constantly with thermals.

My suggestion (And I'm sure a fair amount of police and hopefully even Rebels will agree with me here) is to either remove thermal scopes or provide some level of police with them (Ie, high ranks SGT + so not 90% of the police force will be running around with them) and also remove silencers from anything above 5.6mm or long range weapons. Maybe rebels will disagree here, but I don't about any of you being killed from 600+ meters away with no bearing as to where the hell the killer is, is just a bit infuriating from a game play perspective. Thermal on the big snipers such as Lynx (If that's even available - I'm no rebel, please correct me if wrong) is completely fair game, as hell they're 2-3 million each.

Fire fights as of lately are becoming more about who has the longer range advantage, rather than the 300-600 meter fire fights that flanking, positioning all become a factor!

From a role-play perspective too, where would a rebel obtain a thermal scope for a military grade weapon?

The counter argument to this would be "Get out the hellcat! It has Thermal!" Definitely, I completely agree that the hellcat is an invaluable tool to police and we should utilize it as often as we can. However, this is not always available due to the amount of people authorized to operate them and the fact we can have 1 in the sky at a time, they might be busy with other situations etc.

Police Weaponry

This is a topic that many people debate a lot quite recently, myself and Ravenoth had a good chat about weapons available to police earlier.

Police weaponry is lacking, the MXC is a very average carbine accurate to about 400 meters. In my personal opinion as a PC rank in the game is that we have no real medium range weapons. Giving the MXC to PC's with perhaps some advanced rifle training and only with authorization. Counter argument: But you have vermin's! I completely agree, the vermin is one of my favourite weapons ingame. For up to a distance of about 150 meters, anything beyond that and I might as well try to throw stones at you. Giving us the MXC would solve this issue your average popo have!

The MXC isn't a fabulous weapon, which SPC's and SGT's really feel. The MX (The rifle version of the MXC) is only available to DI plus. SGT's really lack some form of long range weapon to combat the new high calibre weapons the rebels now possess.

Now, you could turn round and say "TFU can get .50 cals, other high cal weapons " and so on. You would be definitely right, as it stands now there are 5 members in TFU and the power of TFU has been demonstrated many times. However, from what I can see such weapons are only brought out in desperate times, and once again like the air unit is all dependant on persons availability and location. My suggestion here is to give SGT's the MX rifle combined with a decent scope. This I feel would solve a lot of medium-long range complaints, whilst also not being too ridiculous.              

Overall, I think these small few changes would make a lot of police happy, whilst not giving us too much firepower and making the rebels life too hard.


One word to say here: SUV.

This thing absolutely fucking sucks, I've no idea why or how it rolls so much. It seems and feels random, 40 KM/H round a corner? Flip. 200 KM/H round a bend? Noflip. All I know is, this thing is flipping annoying.

I propose something a lot of people want: Offroads!

Whilst these are not role play wise a proper UK vehicle, in terms of game play adding these (I believe the skin already exists) to police would make a lot of people very happy! They're not overpowered by any sense of the word, in fact I believe they're slower than SUV's and would give the police vehicles a bit more diversity, allowing people to choose between SUV's and offroads.

Hopefully this post some of you can agree with, and if the idea's are absolute dogshit please tell me why!

I realise I haven't been around for the greatest amount of time, but I have played as both rebel and police, I know both sides of the coin and really want the game to be fun for all sides!      


  • Thermal Scopes and silencers on long range high calibre weapons aren't very fun :(                                                                                                                                                                           
  • Police could use a rifle such as MX at SGT ranks to have some form of long range weapon,          whilst giving PC's MXC's
  • We have SUV's, they flip so fucking much and I have nicknamed my SUV flipper.

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"From a role-play perspective too, where would a rebel obtain a thermal scope for a military grade weapon?" This one is actually easy, black market surplus from the campaign war and surviving arms dealer contracts to sustain imported illegal goods smuggled in at the salt trader docks. I do honestly think thermal scopes should be gone though,I just couldn't resist answering the RP question.

With silencers I've actually seen a cop post a picture of silencers when asking what we had,so unless it was a different layout than what we have now I think police have silencers as well.

With vehicles police offroads kind of kill the immersion in my opinion. Hell the Hunters and Ifrits kill the immersion too. We have a poll somewhere asking for them both to be removed,but it's been quiet in the last few days.

Now for the guns. Once upon a time police had Mk 20s,but I haven't seen them in a while. If their gone(which I think they are.) adding them back would seem like a step up in my opinion from SMG to assault rifle to better assault rifle. TRGs could also be a valid option,hell give them both to choose from to make PCs happy. I haven't seen 5.56 guns have any love in a long time. We all might see more of them now due to the price changes when everyone's bank accounts balance out.

The thermal scopes most go, all they're missing is the red thermal that the Nightstalkers has. NW, black & white thermal, normal scope AND rangefinder within the scope is more powerful than TFU's 50. cal.

For who ever disagree on this, have you seen a full pimped out Zafir and the destruktiv power it has? In a basic factor it is a Rahim with 150 rounds being able to shoot down a little bird with no problem, take out a Hunter / Ifrit quite easily..

The one thing i would add here is the black version of the MXC, MX and maybe for anyother MX's that might be added ( MXM SGT & above for dealing with those pesky snipers ) Just to add some character on witch color you perfer and it would be more fun to see some different picks that just the desert color ^^

The one thing i would add here is the black version of the MXC, MX and maybe for anyother MX's that might be added ( MXM SGT & above for dealing with those pesky snipers ) Just to add some character on witch color you perfer and it would be more fun to see some different picks that just the desert color ^^
Rebels get the black ones, so I don't see why the police dont

I agree with pretty much everything rebel related. The Thermal Scopes, as much as I cream my 3 day old undies when I use them, are so stupid. Takes all the fun and skill out of any sort of ranged combat. Get 'em tae hell!

Scopes yes are op and should not be there. The 50cals on the other hand i recon or ok. If they dont affect policing and are used reasonably(witch due to there price im sure there not a joke weapon) they will not have any impact on the police but will make for a more interesting battle for the rebels in the red zone. I do not think they should be removed becose of the police. At first i was mad about it now im like as long as i do my job without a 50cal in my head im ok with it. And as i said at the end of the day its a game. If there only used in the red zone witch is a cluster fuck anyway why not. And at that price they will most likely be used wisely. But if you remove them you have just cut out long range engagement for the rebels for what sake? The police have been told if someone is seen out of the red zone with one its a ban. But the price again will limit this more. 

Just what i think:) who cares haha

DW looks like there gone ive been told....

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Is thermal gone yet. That is the only thing I think should be removed from us rebels.

The fact the scope has a rangefinder, can zero up to 1600m and makes target acquisition as easy as breathing means it needs to go. I do enjoy using it, but it seems a bit far-fetched for a guerilla force/gang of hoodlums to have access to them. I'd rather see it removed than have the cops given thermal too.

Who wants to look at the lovely island of Altis in black and white anyway. The only long range scope available to rebels should be the DMS. Even that is pretty OP but atleast you need to look for the targets.

Regardless of weapons, but related to long range firefights, shame we can't get rid of the ¬ key, name tag spotting too. I have played on servers where the ¬ key function is disabled, yet your position is still present on your own map. Perhaps this could be done on the AL  server? It's a tweak of the vanilla Arma 3 server side difficulty settings I think.
