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Warning shots for cars


Anonymous Sloth


If for example you were driving and a cop started chasing you how would you tell them to leave you alone before you could kill those in the vehicles without breaking the rules. Would it be like a helicopters warning 3 shots?


You would have to stop and physically tell them to stop following you. giving warning shots to cars would lead to RDM. 

Warning shots can only be given to helicopters. In order to tell a cop to stop chasing you, you would have to tell them verbally from outside your vehicle.

Hello Anonymous Sloth

You need to inisiated by voice.

Try to stop with a gun pulled then scream as hard as you can and tell them that they have to leave you alone.

Make 110% sure that they can hear you over all sirens and engines.

Warning shots are only for helicopters not for ground vehicles as people can be inisiated on ground vehicles.

Hope it helps feel free to ask anything else.
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Hello Anonymous Sloth

You need to inisiated by voice.

Try to stop with a gun pulled then scream as hard as you can and tell them that they have to leave you alone.

Make 110% sure that they can hear you over all sirens and engines.

Warning shots are only for helicopters not for ground vehicles as people can be inisiated on ground vehicles.

Hope it helps feel free to ask anything else.
So does this mean that if cops are chasing the only way to stop them from being in the chase is to get out of the vehicle tell them to go or they will be shot.
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So does this mean that if cops are chasing the only way to stop them from being in the chase is to get out of the vehicle tell them to go or they will be shot.
Also remember that usually you can RP out of the situation, as a cop myself if someone gives me a quality RP story that makes sense with the situation etc I will usually give them a very small ticket and let them go. Gunfights aren't needed when you can talk your way out ;)

Remember if it does come down to shooting, when you initiate make sure to give them time to comply before shooting.
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Hello Anonymous Sloth,

In order to inform an officer to leave you alone, what you would say would depend on what message your looking to convey. Here are some examples:

Threatening!: *Whilst pointing a firearm at the officer(s)* "Officer(s) I am giving your a chance to leave the area as I feel in danger by your presence! If you fail to comply I might have to result in open fire!!

-- The above conveys the message perfectly here is why:

  • Given your demands to the person(s) involved.
  • Threatened the lives of the person(s) involved indicating that this a serious situation.
  • Conveyed the message without issuing a Poor/Low-Quality initiation that could lead to possible concequences.

Passive! (High Quality Roleplay): *Whilst having weapon holstered or no weapon visible at all* "Greetings officer! I am going to kindly request that you stop following me as I am rather cautious about your intentions. Of course if you're requesting something of me I am more than happy to give it to you!"

-- The above conveys the message perfectly here is why:

  • Voiced your requests in a non-threatening manor to the person(s) involved.
  • You haven't threatened any person(s) therefore making everybody feel safer.
  • Demonstrated that you're more than willing to roleplay with the person(s) which overall lowers any hostility that may be around the situation.

But regarding your question about warning shots to vehicles, nothing such exists currently and firing warning shots at vehicles may possibly be taken as RDM which is an entire storm within itself.

I hoped this mini-guide assisted you in some way and I hope that you have no further questions. However, if you do, don't be scared to ask!

Good luck!

-Jack Shepherd.
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