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Wanna say the last goodbye

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Active member

The day I left Altis for what seems like forever...

I came on Altis the beautiful 29th March this year.

Made good income, had funs and laughs.

I wanna thank all of you ; Police officers, Medics, Admins & civilians! 

Had so much fun, robbing, killing/robbing, getting killed/robbed  :D

If I ever get back, expect a huge giveaway because if that day comes, I will be celebrating  :Confused:

Unfortunately I got banned because of RDM and Combat logging that was explained but I got caught on the video and they dont care the time that passed, reassons for RDM-ing or the other stuff.. :/ 

I upgraded my CPU because I got a ban before this 'LAST' ban and now I am gonna play 1.6 on freaking 999 fps at least when there is no Altis Life UK..

I remember the first day on ALUK, my God it was so fun. To bad the fun ended in funny reasons.

Thank you once again, maybe I will still be here the part of ALUK forum and watch the streams and new announcements and development on the server.

My last bye,

Glisic Srdan 

Never met you I dont think, but the best of luck for the future and/or getting unbanned.

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