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Vixxy's Compensation request (Completed 02/02/2015)

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pRo GaMeR
A Cave, United Kingdom
In-game name: [bG] Vixxy

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198127699155


What was lost: MX 6.5MM (£40,000)

6.5MM Silence(£40,000)

4five .5 (£10,000)


MK2 Assault Vest(£7,500)

Nightvision Goggles Brown(£2,000)

Magazines for weapons(£3,000)

Recon Hex fatigues(£17,500)

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): £122,000

Quick description of what happened: We got into my mates helicopter and we're suffering from some serious de-sync after that it seem to be fine then we froze, and no message received appeared for around 15-20 seconds. After that it went away but we we're still frozen in one spot then all of a sudden majority of the server got kicked, which resulted in the pilot getting kicked and the helicopter falling which caused my death.

Thanks, BG Vixxy

This happened between 8:55pm - 9:10pm

Proof will come soon. 

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